Truffle Seeder (From Liberty Pie)
Easily seed initial data to smart contracts using this npm package
npm i --save @libertypie/truffle-seeder
yarn add @libertypie/truffle-seeder
yarn seeder-init --contract HelloContract --method SetHelloMethod
the --contract is the contract you are targeting (eg. HelloContract)
and --method is the method or function in the targeted contract
after the seed files has been created, check the seeds folder in your project root and edit the file in the files sub folder
below is a sample of how a seed file looks like
module.exports = {
contract: 'HelloContract',
method: 'SetHelloMethod',
data: [
* to seed args multiple times, add extra arrays
['arg1', 'arg2'...'argn']
You add the args using an array inside the data array as shown
The name of the contract you are targeting, it should exist in truffle build folder
The method or function in the targetted contract where the data will be fed to
The processor is the function responsible for processing the data and calling the method/function from the contract The default processor is located at src/processors/StandardSeedProcessor.js
below is a seed file with a custom processor
module.exports = {
contract: 'HelloContract',
method: 'SetHelloMethod',
processor: customDataProcessor,
data: [
* to seed args multiple times, add extra arrays
['arg1', 'arg2'...'argn']
// customDataProcessor
customDataProcessor = async ({
}) => {
//process and insert data here
To seed the data to the contract's method, you will run the command below
yarn seeder-run
The npm package is developed maintained by the team at LibertyPie Project
To contribute, kindly fork the project, at project root create a dev.env file, insert APP_ROOT_DIR pointint to your truffle project where testing will be done, example: