This is a Gestures password Demo,Implements a simple set password and login validation functions.
ps:All result is show in code
- GestureButton
Gestures password button class, Independent unit gesture password button
- GestureView
Gestures password view, Based on the UI changes of the gesture
If you want to use gestures to password, you will only need to drag two core classes into your project and include the header file
#import "GestureView.h"
To achieve the following code
@interface ViewController ()<GestureViewDelegate>
view = [[GestureView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake((CGRectGetWidth(self.view.frame) - 300)/2., CGRectGetHeight(self.view.frame) - 380, 300, 300)];
view.delegate = self;
view.isSingleNode = NO;
view.isVerify = YES;
[self.view addSubview:view];
* 回调代理方法
* {resCode:0000,message:"验证成功"}
* resCode 0000 -- 成功
* 0001 -- 两次密码不一致
* 0002 -- 密码错误
- (void)gestureResult:(NSMutableDictionary *)resultDic
NSLog(@" vc -- %@",resultDic);
You are success!!! So easy........