Spring Tool Suite (Eclipse)
Spring Boot
Spring Security
Spring Web Flow
Spring Data JPA
Spring Cloud AWS
* Login/Register validate
* Login/register page(POST) forbidden when already login
* Password Encoder Bcrypt
* Auto login after registering and reset password
* Confirm Email address (Through link with Active code)
* Retrieve password (Through link with Reset Password code)
* Product search, filter, sorting, classify
* Product details, Product Reviews(User comments)
* Shipping Cart System
* Admin manage products/Home slider/Product Category/User
* Payment System (+Billing Address), improve Checkout Page
* Improve "My Account", footer information, contact page
* Coupon System, Points System
* Views history
* Recommendation System - Hadoop
* ROLE_UNAUTH - user registered but not yet confirm email
* ROLE_USER - user already confirm email
* ROLE_ADMIN - full authority to controller the whole web
* /admin/** - [ROLE_ADMIN] required
* /checkout - [ROLE_USER] required
* /customer/** - [ROLE_UNAUTH] or [ROLE_USER] required
/admin/pd/m - product management page
/admin/pd/s (?id=) - save product, (create or update)
/admin/pd/d?id= - delete product
/admin/ca/m s (?id=) (d?id=) - category management
/admin/hs/m s (?id=) (d?id=) - home slider management
/admin/cu/m (d?id=) (e?id=) (ds?id=) - customer management, remove, enable, disable
/ - home page
/version - history version information
/contact - contact page
/pd/s - show all products
/pd/s?na=, ?mc, ?st, ?sc, ?t, ?lp , ?hp
- name, mainCategory, sortType, subCategory, tag, lowerPrice, higherPrice
/pd/p?id - specific item page (id required)
/pd/p?id {productComment} - POST - add product comment - [ROLE_USER] required
/customer/cart - get customer cartId, redirect to cart page
/customer/account - customer account page
/customer/account/rsac - reSend active code
/rest - restful API
/rest/cart - cart API (GET: return cart object)
/rest/cart/{productId}?q= - POST - (quantity), add cartItem
/rest/cart/{cartItemId}?q= - PUT - (quantity required) update cartItem
/rest/cart/{cartItemId} - Delete - delete cartItem
/login - login page
/logout - redirect to login page
/register - register page
/register {user} - POST - add new user (default: 'ROLE_UNAUTH', enabled)
/rp/{codeStr} - GET - reset password page
/fp - GET - find password page
/rg/{codeStr} - GET - active account
* CartItem Update Button can't handle the number of quantity over 100
* The controller in cart page can't synchronized update with header cart Controller
* Need to logout and login again to change the user authority.