(* means it has been protected by token)
GET /api/doc/id/:id - find specific document
GET /api/doc/c/:category - find all documents by category
GET /api/doc/c/:category/:page?num
- find all documents by category
and page
*POST /api/doc - create document
*PUT /api/doc - update document
*DELETE /api/doc/id/:id - delete document
GET /api/que/id/:id - find specific question
GET /api/que/c/:category - find all questions by category
GET /api/que/c/:category/:page?num
- find all questions by category
and page
*POST /api/que - create question
*PUT /api/que - update question
*DELETE /api/que/id/:id - delete question
GET /api/cat - find all technical categories
GET /api/cat/:group - find all categories by group (doc, que...)
*POST /api/cat - create technical category
*PUT /api/cat - update technical category
*DELETE /api/cat - delete a technical category
GET /api/s/q/:keyword? - find all questions by keyword and need
GET /api/s/d/:keyword? - find all documents by keyword and need
GET /api/s/all/:keyword? - find all by keyword and need
GET /api/user - find all user
GET /api/user/:id - find specific user
POST /api/login - user login
*POST /api/user - user register
PUT /api/user - update user
DELETE /api/user - delete user
*GET /api/log?ip/?date - find logs may by conditions
*Delete /api/log - delete all logs
GET /api/count/doc - count # of documents
GET /api/count/que - count # of questions
GET /api/count/doc/:category
- count the numbers of doc by category
GET /api/count/que/:category
- count the numbers of que by
GET /api/count/que/all/:answer
- count the number of que by
*GET /api/settings - get settings
*GET /api/settings/dbbu - DB backup signal
*PUT /api/settings - update settings
*DELETE /api/settings - delete settings
*GET /api/req - get all user requests
POST /api/req - create user request
*DELETE /api/req/:id - delete user request by id
version: String, required
admin: String, required
web_title: String, required
db_backup: String
created: Date, required
history: String
email: String, unique, required
name: String, required
role: String, required
created: Date, required
password: crypto, passport
title: String, unique, required
sub_title: Array
description: String
usage: String
related: Array[title, group, _id]
notes: String
category: String, required
group: String, required
author: String
created: Datem required
title: String, unique, required
sub_title: Array
answer: String
author: String
group: String, required
related: Array
category: String, required
created: Date, required
main: String, required
sub: Array[name]
weight: Number
group: String, required
ip: String, required
target: String, required
created: Date, required
contents: String
name: String
link: String
created: Date, required
(* means protected)
/ - index page
/login - admin login page
/nav/doc - documents navigation page
- documents by category
/doc?id - specific document
/nav/que - quiz naviagation page
- questions by category or specific one
/que?id - specific question
*/admin/overviews- admin overviews page
*/admin/access - logger for monitoring visitor
*/admin/users - user lists
*/admin/settings - admin settings page
*/admin/mg - module management page
/ - search bar, update and delete
/nav/doc - (nav) Doc Category CRUD
/doc/:m/:s - (doc) CRUD
/doc?id= - specific doc
/nav/que - (nav) Que Category CRUD
/doc?id= - specific que
/que/:m/:s - (que) CRUD
/admin/access - logger check and delete
/admin/overviews- # of doc,que
/admin/users - user delete
/admin/settings - backup DB,
Need from parent: prismHighlight
if(docId): get specific doc, or show all.
doDeepCopy: when click update button, make backupCopy.
updateDocList: update current page.
resetUpdateDoc: reset current doc to backup.
updateDoc: update
deleteDoc: delete
start: scope.selRelateds = model.related;
Need from parent: None
removeCurSelRelated: remove selected related from list.
addThisRelated: add selected tag to list.
getRelatedByKeyword: search related by keyword
start: showCategories(; categorySetter(model.category);
Need from parent: None
Front End (Main Category)
- Angular 12 (Sub Category) (Counts)
- jQuery 10 (Sub Category) (Counts)
Category model will include main field and sub field
(Array). When page loaded each Sub Category, then call
the server to return responding Counts.
1. After doing ng-repeat, modified the data based on the
original data. There is no new variable declare. But
using this way, it will be a little bit complicated to
cancel the update, we need to backup original data by using angular.copy before clicking update button.
2. declare a new variable, use ng-init.
1. Self-Test module
2. Hot update
3. Actice Code
4. Off-Line Access
The scope of a directive which inside ng-repeat is isolated scope. Even {scope: false};
Need to go over all the property of ng-model to make
update change.
updateQ = question will not works. But below works:
updateQ[property] = question[property];
var elm = document.getElementById("search-0");
// color not changed
// color changed
document.getElementById("search-0").style.backgroundColor = "#ccc";
Can't search the title which contain "/".
1. use URL '/about' or '/history', if refresh the page,
it will add a trash slash in the end. Works fine with URL '/about3'
2. Can't use URL '/auth'