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Configuration files and scripts for setting up a streamlined Arch Linux environment with Hyprland as the Wayland compositor.

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Arch Linux Hyprland Dotfiles

Configuration files and scripts for setting up a streamlined Arch Linux environment with Hyprland as the Wayland compositor. This repository is designed to provide a straightforward setup and maintain a consistent workflow for daily use.


  • Optimized for Hyprland, a dynamic tiling Wayland compositor.
  • Includes configurations for essential applications and tools.
  • Automates setup with scripts to minimize manual intervention.
  • Organized structure for easy navigation and customization.

Use Case

Ideal for users who want a pre-configured, minimal, and efficient system setup with Hyprland on Arch Linux. The configurations emphasize usability, aesthetics, and performance.

Screenshot of workspace


Recommendations (Using archinstall)

  • Disk Format: ext4
  • Bootloader: GRUB
  • Audio: PipeWire

Additional Packages:

  • git, nano

Network Configuration:

  • Network Manager

First Run Setup

  1. Clone and install the yay AUR helper:

    cd /opt/
    sudo git clone
    sudo chown -R <username>:<username> yay-git/
    cd yay-git/
    makepkg -si
  2. Update your system:

    yay -Suy
  3. Clone this repository and set up Hyprland:

    cd /opt/
    sudo git clone
    sudo chown -R <username>:<username> hyprstack/
    cd hyprstack/
    chmod +x set-hypr

Useful Commands and Configurations

Set Up Auto-login

  1. Create the necessary directory:

    sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/
  2. Edit the override configuration file:

    sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/getty@tty1.service.d/override.conf
  3. Add the following content to the file:

    ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin <username> --noclear %I $TERM

Remove Password Prompt for sudo Commands

  1. Open the sudoers file for editing:

    sudo visudo
  2. Add the following line at the end of the file:

    <username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL


Application Description
hyprland A dynamic tiling Wayland compositor.
kitty Terminal emulator.
waybar Customizable status bar for Wayland.
swaybg Wallpaper utility for Wayland.
swaylock-effects Screen locker with effects.
wofi Wayland-native launcher.
wlogout Logout menu for Wayland.
polkit-gnome Polkit authentication agent.
python-requests Python HTTP library.
starship Cross-shell prompt.
swappy Screenshot editing tool.
grim, slurp Screenshot tools for Wayland.
pamixer CLI mixer for PulseAudio/ALSA.
brightnessctl Screen brightness control utility.
gvfs Virtual filesystem.
bluez, bluez-utils Bluetooth protocol stack and utilities.
lxappearance GTK+ theme switcher.
xfce4-settings XFCE settings manager.
dracula-gtk-theme Dracula GTK theme.
dracula-icons-git Dracula icons.
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland Desktop integration for Hyprland.
code Visual Studio Code editor.
kde-frameworks KDE libraries and tools.
kdelibs KDE legacy libraries.
kde-gtk-config GTK theme configuration for KDE.
arc-gtk-theme GTK theme.
thunar XFCE file manager.
xorg-setxkbmap Keyboard layout utility.
swaync Notification center for Wayland.
jq JSON processor.
hyprctl, hyprlock Hyprland utilities.
btop, htop Resource monitors.
neofetch System information tool.
clipman Clipboard manager.
zathura Lightweight document viewer.
gnome-calculator Calculator application.
gnome-calendar Calendar application.
blueman Bluetooth manager.
telegram-desktop Telegram messaging client.
discord Voice, video, and text communication platform.
skypeforlinux-stable-bin Skype messaging and video calling client.
youtube-music-bin YouTube Music desktop app.
obsidian Note-taking and knowledge management app.
obs-studio Open-source screen recorder and streaming tool.
gimp GNU Image Manipulation Program.


Alias Description
update-system Update system using pacman and yay
update Update system with pacman -Syu
fullupdate Full system update with pacman -Syyu
ls List directory contents using exa
ll List directory contents in long format using exa
la List all files, including hidden, using exa
ram Display memory usage with free -h
cpu Display CPU information with lscpu
disk Display disk usage with df -h
search Search for packages with pacman -Ss
install Install packages with sudo pacman -S
remove Remove packages with sudo pacman -Rns
info Display package information with pacman -Si
orphan Find orphaned packages with pacman -Qtdq
cleanup Remove orphaned packages with pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qtdq)
list List manually installed packages with pacman -Qe
yay-update Update AUR and repositories with yay -Syu --devel --timeupdate
yay-clean Remove orphaned packages from AUR with yay -Rns $(yay -Qtdq)
yay-search Search for AUR packages with yay -Ss
yay-install Install AUR packages with yay -S
yay-remove Remove AUR packages with yay -Rns



  • SUPER + Q: Close focused window
  • SUPER + Del: Exit Hyprland session
  • SUPER + T: Launch terminal (kitty)
  • SUPER + E: Launch file manager (thunar)
  • SUPER + C: Launch text editor (VS Code)
  • SUPER + B: Launch browser (Google Chrome)
  • SUPER + R: Launch app launcher (wofi)
  • SUPER + P: Partial screenshot
  • SUPER + L: Lock screen
  • SUPER + V: Open clipboard manager (clipman)

Focus Management

  • SUPER + Left/Right/Up/Down: Move focus
  • ALT + Tab: Move focus down

Workspace Switching

  • SUPER + 1-9, 0: Switch to workspace 1-10
  • SUPER + CTRL + Right/Left: Switch to next/previous workspace
  • SUPER + CTRL + Down: Move to first empty workspace

Resizing Windows

  • SUPER + SHIFT + Arrow Keys: Resize window

Move Windows to Workspaces

  • SUPER + SHIFT + 1-9, 0: Move window to workspace
  • SUPER + CTRL + ALT + Right/Left: Move window to next/previous workspace

Window Movement

  • SUPER + SHIFT + CTRL + Arrow Keys: Move window

Workspace Scrolling

  • SUPER + Mouse Scroll: Scroll through workspaces

Move/Resize Windows with Mouse

  • SUPER + Left Mouse Button: Move window
  • SUPER + Right Mouse Button: Resize window

Silent Workspace Movement

  • SUPER + ALT + 1-9, 0: Silently move window to workspace


Configuration files and scripts for setting up a streamlined Arch Linux environment with Hyprland as the Wayland compositor.




