This repo is the official Pytorch implementation for the paper Data-Free Hard-Label Robustness Stealing Attack (AAAI 2024).
Please download the checkpoints for the target models from:
You need to put them in folder ./checkpoints
If you want to perform adversarial training from scratch, please refer to this repo: Adversarial_Training_Pytorch
To perform DFHL-RS and train the clone model, you can run the following commands with default configuration:
For CIFAR-10:
python \ --arch ResNet18 \ --target_arch ResNet18 \ --target_defense AT \ --data CIFAR10 \ --batch_size 256 \ --epoch 300 \ --lr 0.1 \ --N_C 500 \ --N_G 10 \ --lr_G 0.002 \ --lr_z 0.01 \ --lr_hee 0.03 \ --steps_hee 10 \ --query_mode hee \ --label_smooth_factor 0.2 \ --lam 3 \ --result_dir results
For CIFAR-100:
python \ --arch ResNet18 \ --target_arch ResNet18 \ --target_defense AT \ --data CIFAR100 \ --batch_size 512 \ --epoch 300 \ --lr 0.1 \ --N_C 500 \ --N_G 15 \ --lr_G 0.005 \ --lr_z 0.015 \ --lr_hee 0.03 \ --steps_hee 10 \ --query_mode hee \ --label_smooth_factor 0.02 \ --lam 3 \ --result_dir results
By default, robustness evaluation of the clone model will be performed after training is complete, which will take some additional time.
In a data-free and hard-label setting, the clone model (ResNet18) obtained by DFHL-RS can achieve a robustness accuracy of 39.51% under AutoAttack.
If you find this repository useful for your work, please consider citing it as follows:
title={Data-Free Hard-Label Robustness Stealing Attack},
author={Yuan, Xiaojian and Chen, Kejiang and Huang, Wen and Zhang, Jie and Zhang, Weiming and Yu, Nenghai},
journal={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},