In this group project, we allow a user to interact with a basic product ordering database via a command line interface after selecting an active account. If the user doesn't already have an account, they must first create one.
** Welcome to Bangazon! Command Line Ordering System **
1. Create a customer account
2. Choose active customer
3. Create a payment option
4. Product options
5. Add product to shopping cart
6. Complete an order
7. Leave Bangazon!
> Bangazon Corp: Please make a selection:
This is the process a user walks through to add a customer to the system.
> Bangazon Corp: Please make a selection: 1
Bangazon Corp: Enter customer name (First Last): Name
Bangazon Corp: Enter street address: Address
Bangazon Corp: Enter city: Nashville
Bangazon Corp: Enter state (KY): TN
Bangazon Corp: Enter postal code: Depends
Bangazon Corp: Enter phone number (xxx-yyy-zzzz): 615-555-5555
All further options depend on this. If the user attempts to continue without choosing an active user they will see the following message.
No Active Customer Currently!
A list of active users is pulled from the database and you must type in the associated id that is listed to the left of the name.
> Bangazon Corp: Please make a selection: 2
1: Fred butt
2: Yolanda wook
3: Maurice lopez
4: Fred butts
5: Cher singer
6: Danny brown
7: Myrtle beach
8: Ben folds
> Bangazon Corp: Please select a customer by id:
You might need to pay for the items you plan add to your cart.
> Bangazon Corp: Please make a selection: 3
Bangazon Corp: Enter Account Number: 4983493847
Bangazon Corp: Enter a Supported Payment Method: (Visa, Mastercard, Paypal): Visa
Next, the user is given a product option sub menu.
> Bangazon Corp: Please make a selection: 4
Product Options:
1. See your products
2. Create product
3. Edit product by Id
4. Delete product by Id
5. Go back to the main menu
> Bangazon Corp: Please make a selection: