Here I store my iOS projects I made in terms of practice that are too small to be in a separate repository. I believe that it is a great practice to store such things since you always can use previous experience as a reference plus you have a solid representation of how much you have done.
Here are small practice progects made in terms of learning Computer Science
Data structures
Apps below are tiny projects made for wrapping head around some particular topics
A simple app based on MVP design pattern that fetches some user' data and shows in a tableView
- MVP design pattern
- MVVM design pattern
Test app with Area search and autocompliton implementation. SearchField and TableView that shows suggestions according to entered text
- MKLocal search and autocompletion
- MapKit
Test app with simple animation with PureLayout API
- PureLayout
- Animation
NSOperation logic learning
- NSOperation
- CollectionView with custome cards view
FatImagesGCD and Part 2
An app that makes regular newspapers into a Harry Potter like ones
- ARKit
- Image detection
- Video playback
An app that detects collectable physic cards and displays 3D models of fancy cars onto them.
- ARKit
- Image detection
- Work with 3D models
Just a simple AR ruler app
- ARKit
- 3D text
An app based on augmented reality framework. It basically allows you to roll dices, erace them and roll again. You can roll them all by just shaking the phone!
- ARKit
- 3D object animation
- Touch position detection
- work with 3D models
Original idea of this app was to parse live twitts and analyse some topic overall sentiment with a CoreML model. Unfortunately, Twitter decided to reject me with the Twitter developer application so this app is just analysing only textField input.
- CoreML
The app allows you to automatically detect a flower by photo.
- CoreML
- Networking
- Model conversion
- Work with
- Work with
- Work with
Source files (basic test with hotdogs)
Source files
A To-do app with gradient tableview feature based on different data persistance methods.
- Local data persistance
- App sandboxing concept
- UserDefaults
- Encoding / Decoding data with NSCoder
- CoreData (CRUD)
- Realm (CRUD)
- Predicates
- UINavigation bar customization
- Work with the
Chameleon framework
- Work with
Source files (Coredata)
Source files finished app (Realm)
An app with feed from Search Hacker News site. It contains all featured posts, sites and just topics from the hacker world
- SwiftUI
- List
- Moving among views
- Observer design pattern
- @Observable / @Observed logic
- Networking with SwiftUI
- Mac port feature
- Work with
Search Hacker News API
3 super simple apps made with SwiftUI in order to learn its basics
- SwiftUI basics
- ZHVStacks
- Layout
- @State logic
Source files (Business card)
Source files (I Am Rich)
Source files (Dice)
A messenger app implemented with Firestore API. A user can register, login and send messages to the general chat room.
- Networking
- Delegate pattern
- MVC pattern
- Work with
Firestore API
- DispatchQueue
- Clean code structure with extensions
- Work with XIB
This app allows you to see current Bytecoin cost in different currencies
- Networking
- @IBDesignable and @IBInspectable
- Delegate pattern
- MVC pattern
- JSON parsing
- Work with
CoinApi API
- DispatchQueue
- Protocols
- Clean code structure with extensions
Weather app. As They say, every iOS developer shoild make the weather app at least once. So did I
- Networking
- Core Location
- Delegate pattern
- MVC pattern
- JSON parsing
- Work with
OpenWeather API
- DispatchQueue
- Working with dark and light mode and making UI change relatively to the modes
- Protocols
- Clean code structure with extensions
Basic calculator made for Swift and UI layout practice
- MVC design pattern
- Autolayout
- Structs and Classes
- Tuples
Tip calculator. Type total bill, choose a tip percent option, amount of people to split the bill among and calculate the number
- MVC design pattern
- UITextField
- UIStepper
- Optionals
- Navigation
An app that calculates BMI based on values inputed via sliders
- MVC design pattern
- UI element
- Optionals
- Navigation
Simple quiz app made to deeply understand how does the MVC design pattern work
- MVC design pattern
- Progress bar UI element
- UI elements customization
Source files
Source files (Multiple choice)
Source files (Challenge app - Destiny)
Simple meme creator app. Choose an image, type something in the textViews and share or save the meme. There is 2 ways of saved memes representation - table and collection
- UITableView
- UICollectionView
- Navigation
- Activity view
- Data flow via appDelegate
- Tab bar menu
Source files
Source files (just meme maker view)
Rock-Paper-Scissors. You choose a shape and look at the result in the other ViewController.
- Swift
- Different ViewController presentations
- Navigation View Controller
- Delegate design pattern
- UITableView
- Custom cells
Implemented ViewController presentation: - with only code
- Code & Segue
- Only Segue
Source files
Source files (Navigation ViewController solution)
An app with 2 view controllers that records your voice and plays the record with different pithes.
- Swift
- UIStackView
- AutoLayout
3 UITextFields with different preferences.
- Swift
- UITextField
- UISwitch
- Delegate design pattern
Implemented TextField in different ways: - TextField that can hold only 5 digits
- TextField that formats data
- TextField that changes its text color via typing and it also has to be enabled by the switch
A color mix app. Drag sliders and see how the colors mixing.
- Swift
- AutoLayout
- UI elements