Pytorch implementation for paper Learnable Visual Words for Interpretable Image Recognition.
To interpret deep models’ predictions, attention-based visual cues are widely used in addressing why deep models make such predictions. Beyond that, the current research community becomes more interested in reasoning how deep models make predictions, where some prototype-based methods employ interpretable representations with their corresponding visual cues to reveal the black-box mechanism of deep model behaviors. However, these pioneering attempts only either learn the category-specific prototypes and deteriorate their generalizing capacities, or demonstrate several illustrative examples without a quantitative evaluation of visual-based interpretability with further limitations on their practical usages. In this paper, we revisit the concept of visual words and propose the Learnable Visual Words (LVW) to interpret the model prediction behaviors with two novel modules: semantic visual words learning and dual fidelity preservation. The semantic visual words learning relaxes the category-specific constraint, enabling the general visual words shared across different categories. Beyond employing the visual words for prediction to align visual words with the base model, our dual fidelity preservation also includes the attention guided semantic alignment that encourages the learned visual words to focus on the same conceptual regions for prediction. Experiments on six visual benchmarks demonstrate the superior effectiveness of our proposed LVW in both accuracy and model interpretation over the state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, we elaborate on various in-depth analyses to further explore the learned visual words and the generalizability of our method for unseen categories.
- PyTorch
- torchvision
- NumPy
- cv2
- argparse
Please download the datasets from their official sites: Stanford-Dogs, AWA2, Oxford 102 Flower, STL10, Oxford-IIIT Pet and Food-101 Prepare the datasets and orgnized all samples as follows:
|--- Class 1
|--- Class 2
|--- Class C
|--- Class 1
|--- Class 2
|--- Class C
- Fine tune the pre-trained ResNet-34 model on the dataset.
- Extract the attention maps following the instructions of Grad-Cam.
- Modify the setting file and train the model:
python -train_atts ./data/grad_train_pets.npy -test_atts ./data/grad_test_pets.npy
- Evaluate the model by IOU:
python -modeldir ./saved_models/resnet34/0034_pets -model 200_19push0.8621.pth -test_atts ./data/grad_test_pets.npy -thr 50
The fine-tuned ResNet-34 model, training and testing Grad-Cam attention for Oxford-IIIT Pet dataset can be download from Google-Drive.
This project is built on the open-source implementation ProtoPNet.