LayerZero Endpoint for Lif3
⚠️ IMPORTANT NOTICEBefore deploying Endpoint V2, it is crucial to deploy Endpoint V1 first. The V2 deployment process relies on certain components and addresses from the V1 deployment. Failing to deploy V1 before V2 will result in errors and an incomplete setup.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd lif3-endpoint
Run the setup command with your mnemonic:
bash -c 'mnemonic="Your mnemonic phrase here"; for dir in . v1-endpoint-deployment v2-endpoint-deployment; do echo "MNEMONIC=$mnemonic" > "$dir/.env"; done; echo "Environment setup complete."'
Replace "Your mnemonic phrase here" with the actual mnemonic phrase of your deployer. This command will create
files in the endpoint directories.
In config.json
set the following values:
"endpointV1Id": <your endpoint id for v1>,
"endpointV2Id": <your endpoint id for v2>,
"rpcUrl": "<your rpc url>",
"networkName": "<your network name>",
"stage": "<your network stage (mainnet, testnet, sandbox)>",
"treasuryGasLimit": <your treasury gas limit>,
"treasuryGasForFeeCap": <your treasury gas for fee cap>
Note: The treasury fields will be converted to 10**18 using ethers.utils.parseEther()
cd to v1-endpoint-deployment
pnpm install
Deploy EndpointV1 Contrats:
npx hardhat deploy --network <your network name> --tags PriceFeed,FPValidator,MPTValidator01,NonceContract,UltraLightNodeV2,TreasuryV2,RelayerV2
cd to v2-endpoint-deployment
pnpm install
Deploy EndpointV2 Contracts:
npx hardhat deploy --network <your network name> --tags EndpointV2,EndpointV2View,Treasury,SendUln302,ReceiveUln302,ReceiveUln302View,TreasuryFeeHandler,SendUln301,ReceiveUln301,ReceiveUln301View,PriceFeed
Deploy DVNFeeLib and DVN:
npx hardhat deploy --network <your network name> --tags DVNFeeLib,DVN
Deploy Executor:
npx hardhat deploy --network <your network name> --tags ExecutorFeeLib,Executor,LzExecutor