Here, we develop a brandly new framework, called MNN for general structural data classification tasks, such as CTR prediction, recommend system, etc.
The code is based on TensorFlow high level tf.estimator.Estimator
We use Kaggle Criteo and Avazu Dataset as examples.
- Python 3.6
- TensorFlow >= 1.10
- NumPy
- pyyaml
Kaggle Criteo Dataset Display Advertising Challenge
- train.csv - The training set consists of a portion of Criteo's traffic over a period of 7 days. Each row corresponds to a display ad served by Criteo. Positive (clicked) and negatives (non-clicked) examples have both been subsampled at different rates in order to reduce the dataset size. The examples are chronologically ordered.
- test.csv - The test set is computed in the same way as the training set but for events on the day following the training period. Note: the test.csv file label is unreleased, here we randomly split train.csv into train, dev, test set.
- Label - Target variable that indicates if an ad was clicked (1) or not (0).
- I1-I13 - A total of 13 columns of integer features (mostly count features).
- C1-C26 - A total of 26 columns of categorical features. The values of these features have been hashed onto 32 bits for anonymization purposes.
The semantic of the features is undisclosed. When a value is missing, the field is empty.
Kaggle Avazu Dataset Click-Through Rate Prediction
- train - Training set. 10 days of click-through data, ordered chronologically. Non-clicks and clicks are subsampled according to different strategies.
- test - Test set. 1 day of ads to for testing your model predictions. Note: the test file label is unreleased, here we randomly split train.csv into train, dev, test set.
- id: ad identifier
- click: 0/1 for non-click/click
- hour: format is YYMMDDHH, so 14091123 means 23:00 on Sept. 11, 2014 UTC.
- C1 -- anonymized categorical variable
- banner_pos
- site_id
- site_domain
- site_category
- app_id
- app_domain
- app_category
- device_id
- device_ip
- device_model
- device_type
- device_conn_type
- C14-C21 -- anonymized categorical variables
cd conf
vim feature.yaml
vim train.yaml
You can run the code locally as follows:
Run TensorBoard to inspect the details about the graph and training progression.
tensorboard --logdir=./model/mnn
For continuous features, we use log transform as input,
for category features, we set hash_bucket_size according to its values size, and embeded into dense representations.
The specific parameters setting see conf/*/train.yaml