##Instabug for Xamarin You can use Instabug native SDK as a Binding library in your solution, following is how to:
- Integrate Instabug in your Android project.
- Integrate Instabug in your iOS project.
##How to integrate Instabug in your Xamarin Android Application.
- Add existing Instabug-Android-SDK to your solution.
- Add required depencies as a references to InstabugAndroidSDK.
- android support version 4
- android support version 7 appcompat
- google play services maps
- google play service GCM
Add Instabug-Android-SDK as a reference to your Android project.
Add required depencies as a references to your Android Project.
- android support version 4
- android support version 7 appcompat
- google play services maps
- google play service GCM
Add Instabug binding project to your project solution (Say MyApplication) After downloading the project (InstabugIOSSDK), right click on solution name and select Add > Add Existing Project, navigate to downloaded project and select it "InstabugIOSSDK.csproj".
Link Instabug to your project. Now we need to link Instabug to our application. So we are going to edit MyApplication project References and from "All" check InstabugIOSSDK.
Add Instabug dependencies to MyApplication. Instabug needs some iOS frameworks to build. We are going to add them. Right click on your project name and select "Options". From left tabs select "Build" > "iOS Build". Now Copy following and paste in
Additional mtouch arguments
-gcc_flags="-framework CoreGraphics -framework AVFoundation -framework CoreMotion -framework CoreTelephony -framework SystemConfiguration -framework MessageUI -framework MobileCoreServices -framework AudioToolbox -framework QuartzCore -framework CoreLocation -framework CoreGraphics -framework CoreVideo -framework CoreMedia -lstdc++"
You have to add additional flags for all build configurations Degub/Release iPhone/Simulator