An opinionated docker image and helm chart for a simple docker/kubernetes
airflow deploy.
- A docker image for airflow.
- A helm chart for airflow.
See examples here.
- Python 3.8
- Airflow 2.1.1
- Kubernetes/Local executors (celery executor is supported on docker compose only at this time)
- KubernetesJobOperator (built in)
- Database Logger (built in, AirflowDBLogger) - airflow logs are saved to the database using SQLAlchemy.
- dags and plugins synchronization vs a git repo (per branch/tag).
- Default configuration for pools, variables and connections.
- Default configuration for airflow webserver (admin allow all).
- linux/arm64 devices. (Tested on linux/arm64/v8 raspberry pi 4)
The zairflow image is published to dockerhub, and the helm chart is hosted on a github release,
lamaani/zairflow:latest[release_tag, eg. 0.5.2]/helm.tar.gz
The image is tagged per release. Version definition,
Changes to the default config:
- [Core].
= airflow_db_logger.LOGGING_CONFIG - log to database instead of files. - [Kubernetes].
= True - Expect kubernetes worker dags in the image. - [Kubernetes].
= "" - a changed due to abug
in the core airflow config; the json is not parsed properly.
It is recommended to control the airflow configuration using environment variables, like so,
export AIRFLOW__[section]__[property]=[value]
For more info on setting airflow environment variables see here.
name | description | type/values | default |
ZAIRFLOW_RUN_INIT_ENVIRONMENT | Initialize the zairflow environment (Should be called once) | boolean |
False |
ZAIRFLOW_DB_HOST | the host for the airflow database, this value is required in order to validate the db | string |
localhost |
ZAIRFLOW_DB_PORT | the port for the airflow database | 1-65535 | 5432 |
ZAIRFLOW_SKIP_DB_CHECK | If true then skip the db check. |
ZAIRFLOW_CONTAINER_TYPE | The type of the container to execute | scheduler, worker, webserver, flower, init_environment, command | None/Empty - will cause an error |
Run airflow [type] , after preparing the env |
scheduler, worker, webserver, flower, init_environment | |
Run "$@" , after preparing the env |
command | |
GIT_AUTOSYNC_REPO_URL | A uri to the git repo to sync. If exists the git sync process will start. If a git repo already exists on the image at the location of the dags folder, use "internal" (remember to set the correct airflow dag folder path). See example and notes below on autosync. | string |
None |
GIT_AUTOSYNC_REPO_BRANCH | The autosync branch name, if dose not exist uses the default branch. See example and notes below on autosync. | string |
None |
ZAIRFLOW_WEBSERVER_CONFIG_PATH | The path to the flask_appbuilder, that allows for the security configuration. Will be auto linked and override the airflow home webserver_confog | string |
None |
name | description | type/values | default |
ZAIRFLOW_WAIT_FOR | a list of uri, including port (example: localhost:8888) to wait until open on TCP. | string |
None |
ZAIRFLOW_ENTRYPOINT_INIT_HOOK | A bash script/command to run before the airflow environment (init_environment + command) starts | string |
None |
ZAIRFLOW_ENTRYPOINT_RUN_HOOK | A bash script/command to run before airflow runs (after init_environment) | string |
None |
ZAIRFLOW_ENTRYPOINT_DESTROY_HOOK | A bash script/command to run after the airflow environment exists | string |
None |
ZAIRFLOW_POST_LOAD_USER_CODE | While calling init_environment, INIT HOOK and RUN HOOK, points airflow to load dags and plugins from an empty folder. Allows for initialization without plugin/dag errors and proper initialization of airflow variables. | boolean |
False |
ZAIRFLOW_AUTO_DETECT_CLUSTER | Auto detect the cluster config in running in a kubernetes cluster | boolean |
true |
ZARIFLOW_DB_WAIT_TRIES | The number of attempts to run when waiting for db tables to be ready | int |
60 |
ZARIFLOW_DB_WAIT_INTERVAL | The number of seconds to wait between each db tables test | int |
1 |
ZARIFLOW_CONNECTION_WAIT_TRIES | The number of attempts to run when waiting for a connection | int |
60 |
ZARIFLOW_CONNECTION_WAIT_TIMEOUT | The connection wait timeout | int |
1 |
ZARIFLOW_CONNECTION_WAIT_INTERVAL | The number of seconds to wait between connection attempts | int |
1 |
ZAIRFLOW_INIT_ENV_YAML | An env enabled yaml configuration for variables, connections and pools to be loaded | string |
None |
ZAIRFLOW_INIT_ENV_YAML_FILEPATH | Am env enabled yaml configuration filepath for variables, connections and pools to be loaded | string |
None |
GIT_AUTOSYNC_REPO_LOCAL_PATH | Overrides /app directory. The path where the git repo will sync to (remember to set the correct airflow dags/plugins folder path). See notes below on autosync. | string |
None |
Write log data to the database instead of files, see AirflowDBLogger pacakge, by applying,
logging_config_class = airflow_db_logger.LOGGING_CONFIG
This package is highly recommended for multi pod implementations, and was added by default.
The auto-sync feature runs a backround script, inside the airflow pod, which periodically checks for changes in the git repo and pulls any change that was detected. See script github reop and details here.
The auto sync is recommended for development mode.
Fist we tell zairflow where the repo is, by setting the environment variables
GIT_AUTOSYNC_REPO_URL: [my-repo-uri]
GIT_AUTOSYNC_REPO_BRANCH: [my-repo-branch] # Optional, default = default branch.
Then, if in your repo the paths to the airflow dags and plugins are:
[repo root]/deployment/airflow/dags
[repo root]/deployment/airflow/plugins
You need to set the airflow environment variables
(or in the airflow config file):
AIRFLOW__CORE__DAGS_FOLDER: /app/deployment/airflow/dags
AIRFLOW__CORE__PLUGINS_FOLDER: /app/deployment/airflow/plugins
NOTE: If your image pre-contains dags/plugins, you must copy them into the appropriate paths for dags and plugins
To configure the defaults, you can either use a yaml file or send the yaml directly to the image, via,
The yamls are env enabled, via the {{ENV_NAME}}
python format. Example,
pool1: 30
description: 'nna'
slots: 122
a_string_from_env: '{{VERSION}}'
this: "is my value"
version: '{{VERSION}}'
conn_type: test
host: ttt.kkk.mmm
port: 4242
this: val
is: extra
json: value
version: '{{VERSION}}'
A template based deployment chart using helm. To learn more about helm please see helm and helmfile. This introduction is also a good read.
In order to simplify the chart, only the following executors are implemented,
- LocalExecutor
- KubernetesExecutor
- SequentialExecutor (Debug)
Note: The celery executor was not implemented due to instabilities in task execution during testing. Currently, it is under consideration, but may not be implemented in future releases.
See helmfile example
The definition [a].[b]=value
should be translated in the yaml values file as,
b: value
name | description | type/values | default |
nameOverride |
Override the name of the chart | string |
None |
fullnameOverride |
Override the name of the chart and the suffixes | string |
None |
envs |
global env collection, added to config map | yaml |
None |
overrideEnvs |
global env collection, added to config map, that will override any internal env values that were produced by the chart | yaml |
None |
image.pullPolicy |
The pull policy | IfNotPresent, Never, Always | IfNotPresent |
image.repository |
The image repo | string |
lamaani/zairflow |
image.tag |
The image tag | string |
latest |
executor.type |
The executor to be used by airflow | SequentialExecutor, LocalExecutor, KubernetesExecutor | LocalExecutor |
executor.workerImagePullPolicy |
The pull policy | IfNotPresent, Never, Always | image.pullPolicy |
executor.workerImageRepository |
The image repo | string |
image.repository |
executor.workerImageTag |
The image tag | string |
image.tag |
init_environment.enabled |
Enabled the init_environment job | boolean |
true |
webserver.port |
The webserver port to use | int |
8080 |
webserver.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
The number of seconds before forced pod termination | int |
10 |
webserver.replicas |
The number of webserver replicas | int |
1 |
webserver.envs |
Environment variables to add to the webserver pods | yaml |
None |
webserver.resources |
Pod resources | yaml |
None |
scheduler.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
The number of seconds before forced pod termination | int |
10 |
scheduler.replicas |
The number of webserver replicas | int |
1 |
scheduler.envs |
Environment variables to add to the webserver pods | yaml |
None |
scheduler.resources |
Pod resources | yaml |
None |
postgres.enabled |
If true, create a postgres database | boolean |
true |
postgres.image |
The postgres image, with tag | string |
postgres:12.2 |
postgres.port |
The database port to use | int |
5432 |
postgres.terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
The number of seconds before forced pod termination | int |
10 |
postgres.envs |
Environment variables to add to the webserver pods | yaml |
None |
postgres.resources |
Pod resources | yaml |
None |
postgres.maxConnections |
The maximal number of database connections | int |
10000 |
postgres.persist |
The maximal number of database connections | bool |
true |
postgres.pvc |
Add a kubernetes PVC to the database, allowing it to persist through db pod restarts | yaml |
see here |
postgres.db |
The default db | string |
airflow |
postgres.credentials.user |
The db username | string |
airflow |
postgres.credentials.password |
the db password | string |
airflow |
serviceAccount.enabled |
If true creates a service account | boolean |
false | |
The name of the service account to use. | string |
chart full name |
serviceAccount.annotations |
More service account info | yaml |
None |
serviceAccount.role |
The name of the role to use in the role binding, role not created if None | string |
None |
serviceAccount.roleKind |
The kind of the role to bind | string |
Role |
serviceAccount.roleBindingKind |
The kind of the role binding. Must use ClusterRole in serviceAccount.roleKind for ClusterRoleBinding |
string |
RoleBinding |
serviceAccount.allowKubernetesAccess |
If true generates the kubernetes access role binding | boolean |
true |
serviceAccount.allowKubernetesAccessRules |
The rules for the zairflow worker kubernetes access | yaml |
Yaml injection, use with care,
name | description | type/values | applies to types |
[type].injectContainerYaml |
yaml inject | yaml |
webserver, scheduler, postgres, init_environment |
[type].injectTemplateSpecYaml |
yaml inject | yaml |
webserver, scheduler, postgres, init_environment |
[type].injectSpecYaml |
yaml inject | yaml |
webserver, scheduler, postgres, init_environment |
[type].injectYamlMetadata |
yaml inject | yaml |
serviceAccount |
[type].injectYaml |
yaml inject | yaml |
serviceAccount |
If you are creating a derived image, and you are installing airflow using pip,
or in some way overriding /usr/local/bin/airflow
or the airflow
cli with a
new airflow install. For a KubernetesExecutor deployment you must override the
cli airflow command as root
ln -sf /scripts/image/invoke_airflow /usr/local/bin/airflow
So the remote environment sync would work.
Copyright ©
Zav Shotan
and other contributors.
It is free software, released under the MIT licence, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in LICENSE.