An airflow job operator that executes a task as a Kubernetes job on a cluster, given a job yaml configuration or an image uri.
- KubernetesJobOperator - The main kubernetes job operator.
- KubernetesLegacyJobOperator - A operator that accepts the same parameters as the KubernetesPodOperator and allows seamless integration between old and new.
- XCom
- Examples (other than TL;DR)
- Create a python installation for pip.
This repository is in beta testing. Any contributions are welcome.
To install from master branch,
pip install git+
To install from a release (tag)
pip install git+[tag]
from airflow import DAG
from [lib_path].kubernetes_job_operator import KubernetesJobOperator
from [lib_path].kubernetes_legacy_job_operator import KubernetesLegacyJobOperator
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
default_args = {"owner": "tester", "start_date": days_ago(2), "retries": 0}
dag = DAG("job-tester", default_args=default_args, description="Test base job operator", schedule_interval=None)
command=["bash", "-c", 'echo "all ok"'],
job_yaml=... # loaded from file.
job_task_from_yaml = KubernetesJobOperator(task_id="test-job-from-yaml", job_yaml=job_yaml, dag=dag)
# Legacy compatibility to KubernetesPodOperator
legacy_job_task = KubernetesLegacyJobOperator(
cmds=["bash", "-c", 'echo "all ok"'],
And the job yaml:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: test-job
- foregroundDeletion
restartPolicy: Never
- name: job-executor
image: ubuntu
- bash
- -c
- |
#/usr/bin/env bash
echo "OK"
backoffLimit: 0
Why/When would this be better than the KubernetesPodOperator?
The kubernetes Job allows for more execution options such as retries/timeouts/deadlines/replicas/etc.. which cannot be defined directly on a pod.
Also, the connection between the kubernetes pod and the airflow worker can be lost, due to communication issues, pod deletions or just pod scheduling problems in the cluster. The Kubernetes Job is a "definition" like resource, and therefore would lose its execution state only if deliberately deleted. A job will also recover automatically from pod manual deletions and pod scheduling errors.
You can find a description of the kubernetes Job resource here
Feel free to ping me in issues or directly on LinkedIn to contribute.
Copyright ©
Zav Shotan
and other contributors.
It is free software, released under the MIT licence, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in LICENSE