Yeoman generator to work with React apps within DSS.
git clone
cd generator-dss-react
npm link
mkdir new-app
cd new-app
yo dss-react:init
# ~ or ~ #
yo dss-react:component
Creates a new React project and installs babel
, webpack
, and react
dependencies as well as sets up a new git repository (and optionally
allows you to create an initial commit).
❯ yo dss-react:init --help
yo dss-react:init [options]
-h, --help # Print the generator's options and usage
--skip-cache # Do not remember prompt answers Default: false
--skip-install # Do not automatically install dependencies Default: false
--commit # Message for intitial commit (does not commit if missing)
--skip-coverage # Skip coverage reporting via Istanbul / Coveralls Default: false
--skip-editorconfig # Skip adding .editorconfig file Default: false
--skip-git # Skip setting up git Default: false
--skip-lint # Skip linting via eslint Default: false
--skip-tests # Skip installing testing architecture (Karma, Mocha, Chai) Default: false
Creates a new component
❯ yo dss-react:component --help
yo dss-react:component [options] <name>
-h, --help # Print the generator's options and usage
--skip-cache # Do not remember prompt answers Default: false
--skip-install # Do not automatically install dependencies Default: false
--cjs # Use commonjs modules (ex. `module.exports` and `const module = require('module')` Default: false
--component # Shortcut for `--type=component` Default: false
--container # Shortcut for `--type=container` Default: false
--es6 # Use es6 modules (ex. `export default` and `import module from 'module') Default: true
--screen # Shortcut for `--type=screen Default: false
-S, --shallow # Use shallow file modules (creates files in `/src` directory) Default: false
-t, --test # Adds empty `test.js` file to directory when in full mode Default: true
--type # Type of component (used to determine directory within `/src` to insert)
name # Name of the component (use CamelCase per best-practices) Type: String Required: true