StoneX implements a temperature dependent coherent magnetization reversal model for size-distributed assemblies of ferromagnetic nanoparticles and ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic core-shell nanoparticles. The model is based on coherent magnetization reversal, with thermal fluctuation using the Néel-Arrhenius law. Non-thermal model are also proposed, like the Stoner-Wohlfarth and Meiklejohn-Bean models. The program allow to produce angular hysteresis behavior, as well as temperature dependent hysteresis evolution.
If you use StoneX in any work or publication, we kindly ask you to cite our article:
“Thermal simulation of magnetization reversals for size-distributed assemblies of core-shell exchange biased nanoparticles, J. Richy et al., ArXiv e-prints, 1602.07877, 2016”
StoneX is open-source software. You are free to modify and distribute the source code under the GPLv3 licence.
This program uses Python version 3, and can therefore be used in any platform. See the specific installation instructions The following packages are needed:
- sys, shutil, time
- numpy
- matplotlib
- scipy
For Mac Os X, using the package manager macport and the ipython shell:
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install py35-ipython py35-scipy py35-matplotlib
For GNU/Linux, using the package manager apt and the ipython shell:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ipython3 python3-scipy python3-matplotlib
The StoneX program is composed of a module (contained in the StoneX folder), and a script for controlling the parameters and launching the simulation.
The examples folder contain standard script examples for running the simulation. To indicate the module path, the easiest way is to modify the variable module_path in the script file. For example,
module_path = '/home/Me/Python_Modules/StoneX_project/'
The script can also be placed in the same directory than the StoneX folder.
├── Project
| ├── StoneX/
| └──
Contributions are gratefully accepted. To contribute code, fork our repo on github and send a pull request.