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A kurtosis package for deploying an optimistic rollup

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Welcome to Optimism Package

The default package for Optimism. The kurtosis package uses op-deployer to manage the L2 chains and all associated artifacts such as contract deployments.

    - participants:
        - el_type: op-geth
          cl_type: op-node
        - el_type: op-reth
        - el_type: op-erigon
        - el_type: op-nethermind
    preset: minimal
    genesis_delay: 5
    additional_preloaded_contracts: '
        "0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C": {
          "balance": "0ETH",
          "code": "0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe03601600081602082378035828234f58015156039578182fd5b8082525050506014600cf3",
          "storage": {},
          "nonce": "1"

Please note, by default your network will be running a minimal preset Ethereum network. Click here to learn more about minimal preset. You can customize the L1 Ethereum network by modifying the ethereum_package configuration.

You can also completely remove ethereum_package from your configuration in which case it will default to a minimal preset Ethereum network.


Run with your own configuration

Kurtosis packages are parameterizable, meaning you can customize your network and its behavior to suit your needs by storing parameters in a file that you can pass in at runtime like so:

kurtosis run --args-file

For --args-file parameters file, you can pass a local file path or a URL to a file.

To clean up running enclaves and data, you can run:

kurtosis clean -a

This will stop and remove all running enclaves and delete all data.

Run with changes to the optimism package

If you are attempting to test any changes to the package code, you can point to the directory as the run argument

cd ~/go/src/
kurtosis run . --args-file ./network_params.yaml

L2 Contract deployer

The enclave will automatically deploy an optimism L2 contract on the L1 network. The contract address will be printed in the logs. You can use this contract address to interact with the L2 network.

Please refer to this Dockerfile if you want to see how the contract deployer image is built: Dockerfile


To configure the package behaviour, you can modify your network_params.yaml file and use that as the input to --args-file. The full YAML schema that can be passed in is as follows with the defaults provided:

  # Interop configuration
    # Whether or not to enable interop mode
    enabled: false
    # Default supervisor configuration
      # The Docker image that should be used for the supervisor; leave blank to use the default op-supervisor image
      image: ""

      # A JSON string containing chain dependencies
      dependency_set: ""

      # A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the supervisor container for modifying its behaviour
      extra_params: []
  # An array of L2 networks to run
    # Specification of the optimism-participants in the network
    - participants:
      # EL(Execution Layer) Specific flags
        # The type of EL client that should be started
        # Valid values are:
        # op-geth
        # op-reth
        # op-erigon
        # op-nethermind
        # op-besu
      - el_type: op-geth

        # The Docker image that should be used for the EL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
        # Defaults by client:
        # - op-geth:
        # - op-reth: parithoshj/op-reth:latest
        # - op-erigon: testinprod/op-erigon:latest
        # - op-nethermind: nethermindeth/nethermind:op-c482d56
        # - op-besu:
        el_image: ""

        # The log level string that this participant's EL client should log at
        # If this is emptystring then the global `logLevel` parameter's value will be translated into a string appropriate for the client (e.g. if
        # global `logLevel` = `info` then Geth would receive `3`, Besu would receive `INFO`, etc.)
        # If this is not emptystring, then this value will override the global `logLevel` setting to allow for fine-grained control
        # over a specific participant's logging
        el_log_level: ""

        # A list of optional extra env_vars the el container should spin up with
        el_extra_env_vars: {}

        # A list of optional extra labels the el container should spin up with
        # Example; el_extra_labels: {"ethereum-package.partition": "1"}
        el_extra_labels: {}

        # A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the EL client container for modifying its behaviour
        el_extra_params: []

        # A list of tolerations that will be passed to the EL client container
        # Only works with Kubernetes
        # Example: el_tolerations:
        # - key: "key"
        #   operator: "Equal"
        #   value: "value"
        #   effect: "NoSchedule"
        #   toleration_seconds: 3600
        # Defaults to empty
        el_tolerations: []

        # Persistent storage size for the EL client container (in MB)
        # Defaults to 0, which means that the default size for the client will be used
        # Default values can be found in /src/package_io/ VOLUME_SIZE
        el_volume_size: 0

        # Resource management for el containers
        # CPU is milicores
        # RAM is in MB
        # Defaults to 0, which results in no resource limits
        el_min_cpu: 0
        el_max_cpu: 0
        el_min_mem: 0
        el_max_mem: 0

      # CL(Consensus Layer) Specific flags
        # The type of CL client that should be started
        # Valid values are:
        # op-node
        # hildr
        cl_type: op-node

        # The Docker image that should be used for the CL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
        # Defaults by client:
        # - op-node:
        # - hildr:
        cl_image: ""

        # The log level string that this participant's CL client should log at
        # If this is emptystring then the global `logLevel` parameter's value will be translated into a string appropriate for the client (e.g. if
        # If this is not emptystring, then this value will override the global `logLevel` setting to allow for fine-grained control
        # over a specific participant's logging
        cl_log_level: ""

        # A list of optional extra env_vars the cl container should spin up with
        cl_extra_env_vars: {}

        # A list of optional extra labels that will be passed to the CL client Beacon container.
        # Example; cl_extra_labels: {"ethereum-package.partition": "1"}
        cl_extra_labels: {}

        # A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the CL client Beacon container for modifying its behaviour
        # If the client combines the Beacon & validator nodes (e.g. Teku, Nimbus), then this list will be passed to the combined Beacon-validator node
        cl_extra_params: []

        # A list of tolerations that will be passed to the CL client container
        # Only works with Kubernetes
        # Example: el_tolerations:
        # - key: "key"
        #   operator: "Equal"
        #   value: "value"
        #   effect: "NoSchedule"
        #   toleration_seconds: 3600
        # Defaults to empty
        cl_tolerations: []

        # Persistent storage size for the CL client container (in MB)
        # Defaults to 0, which means that the default size for the client will be used
        # Default values can be found in /src/package_io/ VOLUME_SIZE
        cl_volume_size: 0

        # Resource management for cl containers
        # CPU is milicores
        # RAM is in MB
        # Defaults to 0, which results in no resource limits
        cl_min_cpu: 0
        cl_max_cpu: 0
        cl_min_mem: 0
        cl_max_mem: 0

      # Builder client specific flags
        # The type of builder EL client that should be started
        # Valid values are:
        # op-geth
        # op-reth
        el_builder_type: ""

        # The Docker image that should be used for the builder EL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
        # Defaults by client:
        # - op-geth:
        # - op-reth: parithoshj/op-reth:latest
        el_builder_image: ""

        # The type of builder CL client that should be started
        # Valid values are:
        # op-node
        # hildr
        cl_builder_type: ""

        # The Docker image that should be used for the builder CL client; leave blank to use the default for the client type
        # Defaults by client:
        # - op-node:
        # - hildr:
        cl_builder_image: ""

        # Participant specific flags
        # Node selector
        # Only works with Kubernetes
        # Example: node_selectors: { "disktype": "ssd" }
        # Defaults to empty
        node_selectors: {}

        # A list of tolerations that will be passed to the EL/CL/validator containers
        # This is to be used when you don't want to specify the tolerations for each container separately
        # Only works with Kubernetes
        # Example: tolerations:
        # - key: "key"
        #   operator: "Equal"
        #   value: "value"
        #   effect: "NoSchedule"
        #   toleration_seconds: 3600
        # Defaults to empty
        tolerations: []

        # Count of nodes to spin up for this participant
        # Default to 1
        count: 1

      # Default configuration parameters for the network
        # Network name, used to enable syncing of alternative networks
        # Defaults to "kurtosis"
        network: "kurtosis"

        # The network ID of the network.
        # Must be unique for each network (if you run multiple networks)
        # Defaults to "2151908"
        network_id: "2151908"

        # Seconds per slots
        seconds_per_slot: 2

        # Name of your rollup.
        # Must be unique for each rollup (if you run multiple rollups)
        # Defaults to "op-kurtosis"
        name: "op-kurtosis"

        # Triggering future forks in the network
        # Fjord fork
        # Defaults to 0 (genesis activation) - decimal value
        # Offset is in seconds
        fjord_time_offset: 0

        # Granite fork
        # Defaults to 0 (genesis activation) - decimal value
        # Offset is in seconds
        granite_time_offset: 0

        # Holocene fork
        # Defaults to None - not activated - decimal value
        # Offset is in seconds
        holocene_time_offset: ""

        # Isthmus fork
        # Defaults to None - not activated - decimal value
        # Offset is in seconds
        isthmus_time_offset: ""

        # Interop fork
        # Defaults to None - not activated - decimal value
        # Offset is in seconds
        interop_time_offset: ""

        # Whether to fund dev accounts on L2
        # Defaults to True
        fund_dev_accounts: true

      # Default batcher configuration
        # The Docker image that should be used for the batcher; leave blank to use the default op-batcher image
        image: ""

        # A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the batcher container for modifying its behaviour
        extra_params: []

      # Default challenger configuration
        # The Docker image that should be used for the challenger; leave blank to use the default op-challenger image
        image: ""

        # A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the challenger container for modifying its behaviour
        extra_params: []

        # Path to folder containing cannon prestate-proof.json file
        cannon_prestates_path: "static_files/prestates"

        # Base URL to absolute prestates to use when generating trace data.
        cannon_prestates_url: ""

      # Default proposer configuration
        # The Docker image that should be used for the proposer; leave blank to use the default op-proposer image
        image: ""

        # A list of optional extra params that will be passed to the proposer container for modifying its behaviour
        extra_params: []

        # Dispute game type to create via the configured DisputeGameFactory
        game_type: 1

        # Interval between submitting L2 output proposals
        proposal_internal: 10m

      # Default MEV configuration
        # The Docker image that should be used for rollup boost; leave blank to use the default rollup-boost image
        # Defaults to "flashbots/rollup-boost:latest"
        rollup_boost_image: ""

        # The host of an external builder
        builder_host: ""

        # The port of an external builder
        builder_port: ""

      # Additional services to run alongside the network
      # Defaults to []
      # Available services:
      # - blockscout
      # - rollup-boost
      additional_services: []

  # L2 contract deployer configuration - used for all L2 networks
  # The docker image that should be used for the L2 contract deployer

  # The global log level that all clients should log at
  # Valid values are "error", "warn", "info", "debug", and "trace"
  # This value will be overridden by participant-specific values
  global_log_level: "info"

  # Global node selector that will be passed to all containers (unless overridden by a more specific node selector)
  # Only works with Kubernetes
  # Example: global_node_selectors: { "disktype": "ssd" }
  # Defaults to empty
  global_node_selectors: {}

  # Global tolerations that will be passed to all containers (unless overridden by a more specific toleration)
  # Only works with Kubernetes
  # Example: tolerations:
  # - key: "key"
  #   operator: "Equal"
  #   value: "value"
  #   effect: "NoSchedule"
  #   toleration_seconds: 3600
  # Defaults to empty
  global_tolerations: []

  # Whether the environment should be persistent; this is WIP and is slowly being rolled out accross services
  # Defaults to false
  persistent: false

# Ethereum package configuration
    # The Ethereum network preset to use
    preset: minimal
    # The delay in seconds before the genesis block is mined
    genesis_delay: 5
    # Preloaded contracts for the Ethereum network
    additional_preloaded_contracts: '
        "0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C": {
          "balance": "0ETH",
          "code": "0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe03601600081602082378035828234f58015156039578182fd5b8082525050506014600cf3",
          "storage": {},
          "nonce": "1"

Additional configuration recommendations

L1 customization

It is required for you to launch an L1 Ethereum node to interact with the L2 network. You can use the ethereum_package to launch an Ethereum node. The ethereum_package configuration is as follows:

    - participants:
        - el_type: op-geth
          cl_type: op-node
        - blockscout
    - el_type: geth
    - el_type: reth
    preset: minimal
    genesis_delay: 5
    additional_preloaded_contracts: '
        "0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C": {
          "balance": "0ETH",
          "code": "0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe03601600081602082378035828234f58015156039578182fd5b8082525050506014600cf3",
          "storage": {},
          "nonce": "1"
    - dora
    - blockscout

L2 customization with Hard Fork transitions

To spin up an L2 chain with specific hard fork transition blocks and any local docker image to run the EL/CL components, use the network_params section of your arguments file to specify the hard fork transitions and custom images.

    - participants:
      - el_type: op-geth
        el_image: "<tag>"
        cl_type: op-node
        cl_image: "<tag>"
      - el_type: op-geth
        el_image: "<tag>"
        cl_type: op-node
        cl_image: "<tag>"
        fjord_time_offset: 0
        granite_time_offset: 0
        holocene_time_offset: 4
        isthmus_time_offset: 8

Multiple L2 chains

Additionally, you can spin up multiple L2 networks by providing a list of L2 configuration parameters like so:

    - participants:
        - el_type: op-geth
        name: op-rollup-one
        network_id: "3151909"
        - blockscout
    - participants:
        - el_type: op-geth
        name: op-rollup-two
        network_id: "3151910"
        - blockscout
    - el_type: geth
    - el_type: reth
    preset: minimal
    genesis_delay: 5
    additional_preloaded_contracts: '
        "0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C": {
          "balance": "0ETH",
          "code": "0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe03601600081602082378035828234f58015156039578182fd5b8082525050506014600cf3",
          "storage": {},
          "nonce": "1"
    - dora
    - blockscout

Note: if configuring multiple L2s, make sure that the network_id and name are set to differentiate networks.

Rollup Boost for External Block Building

Rollup Boost is a sidecar to the sequencer op-node that allows blocks to be built by an external builder on the L2 network.

To use rollup boost, you can add rollup-boost as an additional service and configure the mev_params section of your arguments file to specify the rollup boost image. Optionally, you can specify the host and port of an external builder outside of the Kurtosis enclave.

    - participants:
        - el_builder_type: op-geth
          cl_builder_type: op-node
        rollup_boost_image: "flashbots/rollup-boost:latest"
        builder_host: "localhost"
        builder_port: "8545"
        - rollup-boost

Run tx-fuzz to send l2 transactions

Compile tx-fuzz locally per instructions in the repo. Run tx-fuzz against the l2 EL client's RPC URL and using the pre-funded wallet:

./livefuzzer spam  --sk "0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80" --rpc<port> --slot-time 2

Additional configurations

Please find examples of additional configurations in the test folder.

Useful Kurtosis commands

Inspect enclave -- Container/Port information

  • List information about running containers and open ports
kurtosis enclave ls
kurtosis enclave inspect <enclave-name>
  • Inspect chain state.
kurtosis files inspect <enclave-name> op-deployer-configs
  • Dump all files generated by kurtosis to disk (for inspecting chain state/deploy configs/contract addresses etc.). A file that contains an exhaustive set of information about the current deployment is files/op-deployer-configs/state.json. Deployed contract address, roles etc can all be found here.
# dumps all files to a enclave-name prefixed directory under the current directory
kurtosis enclave dump <enclave-name>
kurtosis files download <enclave-name> op-deployer-configs <where-to-download>
  • Get logs for running services
kurtosis service logs <enclave-name> <service-name> -f . # -f tails the log
  • Stop/Start running service (restart sequencer/batcher/op-geth etc.)
kurtosis service stop <enclave-name> <service-name>
kurtosis service start <enclave-name> <service-name>


If you have made changes and would like to submit a PR, test locally and make sure to run lint on your changes

kurtosis lint --format .


A kurtosis package for deploying an optimistic rollup






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