This repo is a summary for my recent work.
My work is to monitorer k8s metrics using prometheus and auto-scaling resources, especially the storage resources.
I have wasted so much time on setting up the environment and related tools. And this is a summary I made.
This is a summary for Kubernetes setup and installing kube-prometheus quickly(Actually, in just one step).
Apart from that, this repo also includes storage auto-scaling quick setup yml.
In the future, I will include more summary in this repo.
Ubuntu18.04 is OK. No try on other system.
After that, the K8s is set up. Run kubectl get po
to test that.
cd my-kube-prometheus/manifests
kubectl apply -f .
kuebctl apply -f .
cd ../..
cd custom-metrics-adapter/deploy/manifests/
k apply -f .
cd ../../..
k apply -f my-kube-prometheus/manifests/
Note: Some resources may not create correctly, just because of the wrong setup sequence. So running the upper command twice will solve problem.
And how to access the kube-prometheus? The following:
Prometheus, Grafana和Alertmanager dashboards可以通过kubectl port-forward快速访问: (1) Prometheus
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/prometheus-k8s 9090
然后可以通过 http://localhost:9090访问Prometheus。
(2) Grafana
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/grafana 3000
然后可以通过 http://localhost:3000访问Grafana,默认的用户名和密码是 admin:admin
(3) Alert Manager
kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/alertmanager-main 9093
然后可以通过 http://localhost:9093来访问。
So, csi-related resources are set up.
The directory example
show an example of creating pv dynamicly.