This web application lets users play Rock Paper Scissors game with another local player. Users can either choose their own pick from R/P/S or make computer choose one for them. A current score and a result message is displayed.
As a user
In order to spend a fun time with my friend
I would like to be able to play rock paper scissors.
As a user
In order to make the game even funnier
I would like to be able to let computer choose what to pick.
As a user
In order to keep track of the game
I would like to be able to view a current score
Deployed App: (
Github: (
React 17.0.0
Semantic UI CSS 2.4.1
Semantic UI React 2.0.1
Cypress 5.6.0
Craft Academy course material 'React - An introduction': (
Craft Academy course material 'React ( Loves ) Rails': (
- Expand it to a real-time multiplayer game.
The MIT License (MIT).