{ "host":"",
"name":{{ toRawJson .TorrentName }} }
- Possible returns
- 200 unique
- 250 cross
- Informational returns
- 201-208
{ "host":"",
"name":{{ toRawJson .TorrentName }},
"hash":"{{ .TorrentHash }}",
"torrent":"{{ .TorrentDataRawBytes | js }}" }
- Possible returns
- 200 ok
- Error returns
- 400-499
{ "host":"",
"password":"bsmom" }
- Possible returns
- 200 ok
- 205 nothing to remove
- Error returns
- 400-499
{ "host":"",
"password":"bsmom" }
- Possible returns
- 200 ok
- Error returns
- 400-499
{ "host":"",
"filterid":69 }
- Possible returns
- 200 ok
- Error returns
- 400-499
{ "host":"",
"query":"LastActivity != 0 && string(State) == 'stalledUP' && now().Unix() - LastActivity > 800 && ((SeedingTime > 7776 && (NumComplete > 12 || NumIncomplete > 9)) || (SeedingTime > 10368 && (NumComplete + NumIncomplete > 8)))"
{ "host":"",
"query":"DisableCrossseed() && string(State) in ['stalledDL', 'forcedDL', 'downloading'] && NumLeechs + NumSeeds < 3"
{ "host":"",
"query":"LastActivity > 604800 && ResultSkip(4000) && ResultLimit(10) && string(State) in ['stalledUP'] && NumLeechs + NumSeeds > 3 && SpaceAvailable('/') < 1024*1024*1024*200",
{ "host":"",
"query":"DisableCrossseed() && string(State) == 'downloading' && Tags not contains 'forkedRiver' && NumLeechs + NumSeeds > 7"
- Possible returns
- 200 ok
- Error returns
- 400-499
- Language documentation
- Specifiers available
- Actions available
- delete, deletedata, forcestart, normalstart, start, pause, reannounce, recheck, test (default)
- Actions with Subjects
- category, tagadd, tagdel
- Sort
- Higher values come first
- Custom script functions
- ContextGet()
- Retrieve a persisted string across a single run
- ContextSet(string)
- Set a persisted string across a single run
- DisableCrossseed()
- Naive matching
- ResultLimit(int)
- Limits results to process after the classification and (optional) ResultSkip stage
- ResultMinimumCount(int)
- Minimum amount of results to proceed with, after the classification stage, but before limit and skip
- ResultSkip(int)
- Skips a defined number of results, leaving the remainder to be processed after the classification stage
- SpaceAvailable('/my/path'), SpaceFree('/my/path'), SpaceTotal('/my/path'), SpaceUsed('/my/path')
- Returns bytes from each respective function
- TitleParse(string)
- Parses a title, to return fields found in moistari/rls
- TitleParsed()
- Parses the present title, to return fields found in moistari/rls
- ContextGet()