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refactor and document rte serializers
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erquhart committed Aug 1, 2017
1 parent fb495a1 commit fb05310
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Showing 12 changed files with 898 additions and 389 deletions.
341 changes: 189 additions & 152 deletions src/components/Widgets/Markdown/serializers/index.js
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { get, isEmpty, reduce } from 'lodash';
import { get, isEmpty, reduce, pull } from 'lodash';
import unified from 'unified';
import u from 'unist-builder';
import markdownToRemarkPlugin from 'remark-parse';
Expand All @@ -7,58 +7,144 @@ import remarkToRehype from 'remark-rehype';
import rehypeToHtml from 'rehype-stringify';
import htmlToRehype from 'rehype-parse';
import rehypeToRemark from 'rehype-remark';
import rehypeMinifyWhitespace from 'rehype-minify-whitespace';
import remarkToRehypeShortcodes from './remark-rehype-shortcodes';
import rehypeRemoveEmpty from './rehype-remove-empty';
import rehypePaperEmoji from './rehype-paper-emoji';
import remarkNestedList from './remark-nested-list';
import remarkToSlatePlugin from './remark-slate';
import remarkImagesToText from './remark-images-to-text';
import remarkShortcodes from './remark-shortcodes';
import remarkToRehypeShortcodes from './remarkRehypeShortcodes';
import rehypePaperEmoji from './rehypePaperEmoji';
import remarkWrapHtml from './remarkWrapHtml';
import remarkToSlatePlugin from './remarkSlate';
import remarkSquashReferences from './remarkSquashReferences';
import remarkImagesToText from './remarkImagesToText';
import remarkShortcodes from './remarkShortcodes';
import slateToRemarkParser from './slateRemark';
import registry from '../../../../lib/registry';

export const remarkToHtml = (mdast, getAsset) => {
const result = unified()
.use(remarkToRehypeShortcodes, { plugins: registry.getEditorComponents(), getAsset })
.use(remarkToRehype, { allowDangerousHTML: true })

const output = unified()
.use(rehypeToHtml, { allowDangerousHTML: true, allowDangerousCharacters: true })
return output

export const htmlToSlate = html => {
const hast = unified()
.use(htmlToRehype, { fragment: true })
* This module contains all serializers for the Markdown widget.
* The value of a Markdown widget is transformed to various formats during
* editing, and these formats are referenced throughout serializer source
* documentation. Below is brief glossary of the formats used.
* - Markdown {string}
* The stringified Markdown value. The value of the field is persisted
* (stored) in this format, and the stringified value is also used when the
* editor is in "raw" Markdown mode.
* - MDAST {object}
* Also loosely referred to as "Remark". MDAST stands for MarkDown AST
* (Abstract Syntax Tree), and is an object representation of a Markdown
* document. Underneath, it's a Unist tree with a Markdown-specific schema. An
* MDAST is used as the source of truth for any Markdown field within the CMS
* once the Markdown string value is loaded. MDAST syntax is a part of the
* Unified ecosystem, and powers the Remark processor, so Remark plugins may
* be used.
* - HAST {object}
* Also loosely referred to as "Rehype". HAST, similar to MDAST, is an object
* representation of an HTML document. The field value takes this format
* temporarily before the document is stringified to HTML.
* - HTML {string}
* The field value is stringifed to HTML for preview purposes - the HTML value
* is never parsed, it is output only.
* - Slate Raw AST {object}
* Slate's Raw AST is a very simple and unopinionated object representation of
* a document in a Slate editor. We define our own Markdown-specific schema
* for serialization to/from Slate's Raw AST and MDAST.
* Overview of the Markdown widget serialization life cycle:
* - Entry Load
* When an entry is loaded, all Markdown widget values are serialized to
* MDAST within the entry draft.
* - Visual Editor Render
* When a Markdown widget using the visual editor renders, it converts the
* MDAST value from the entry draft to Slate's Raw AST, and renders that.
* - Visual Editor Update
* When the value of a Markdown field is changed in the visual editor, the
* resulting Slate Raw AST is converted back to MDAST, and the MDAST value is
* set as the new state of the field in the entry draft.
* - Visual Editor Paste
* When a value is pasted to the visual editor, the pasted value is checked
* for HTML data. If HTML is found, the value is deserialized to an HAST, then
* to MDAST, and finally to Slate's Raw AST. If no HTML is found, the plain
* text value of the paste is serialized to Slate's Raw AST via the Slate
* Plain serializer. The deserialized fragment is then inserted to the Slate
* document.
* - Raw Editor Render
* When a Markdown widget using the raw editor (Markdown switch activated),
* it stringifies the MDAST from the entry draft to Markdown, and runs the
* stringified Markdown through Slate's Plain serializer, which outputs a
* Slate Raw AST of the plain text, which is then rendered in the editor.
* - Raw Editor Update
* When the value of a Markdown field is changed in the raw editor, the
* resulting Slate Raw AST is stringified back to a string, and the string
* value is then parsed as Markdown into an MDAST. The MDAST value is
* set as the new state of the field in the entry draft.
* - Raw Editor Paste
* When a value is pasted to the raw editor, the text value of the paste is
* serialized to Slate's Raw AST via the Slate Plain serializer. The
* deserialized fragment is then inserted to the Slate document.
* - Preview Pane Render
* When the preview pane renders the value of a Markdown widget, it first
* converts the MDAST value to HAST, stringifies the HAST to HTML, and
* renders that.
* - Entry Persist (Save)
* On persist, the MDAST value in the entry draft is stringified back to
* a Markdown string for storage.

* Deserialize a Markdown string to an MDAST.
export const markdownToRemark = markdown => {

const result = unified()
* Disabling tokenizers allows us to turn off features within the Remark
* parser.
function disableTokenizers() {

return result;
* Turn off soft breaks until we can properly support them across both
* editors.
pull(this.Parser.prototype.inlineMethods, 'break');

export const markdownToRemark = markdown => {
* Parse the Markdown string input to an MDAST.
const parsed = unified()
.use(markdownToRemarkPlugin, { fences: true, pedantic: true, footnotes: true, commonmark: true })
.use(markdownToRemarkPlugin, { fences: true, pedantic: true, commonmark: true })

* Further transform the MDAST with plugins.
const result = unified()
.use(remarkShortcodes, { plugins: registry.getEditorComponents() })

return result;

* Serialize an MDAST to a Markdown string.
export const remarkToMarkdown = obj => {
* Rewrite the remark-stringify text visitor to simply return the text value,
Expand All @@ -71,133 +157,84 @@ export const remarkToMarkdown = obj => {
visitors.text = node => node.value;

* Provide an empty MDAST if no value is provided.
const mdast = obj || u('root', [u('paragraph', [u('text', '')])]);
const result = unified()

const markdown = unified()
.use(remarkToMarkdownPlugin, { listItemIndent: '1', fences: true, pedantic: true, commonmark: true })
return result;

return markdown;

export const remarkToSlate = mdast => {
const result = unified()

* Convert an MDAST to an HTML string.
export const remarkToHtml = (mdast, getAsset) => {
const hast = unified()
.use(remarkToRehypeShortcodes, { plugins: registry.getEditorComponents(), getAsset })
.use(remarkToRehype, { allowDangerousHTML: true })

const html = unified()
.use(rehypeToHtml, { allowDangerousHTML: true, allowDangerousCharacters: true })

return html;

* Deserialize an HTML string to Slate's Raw AST. Currently used for HTML
* pastes.
export const htmlToSlate = html => {
const hast = unified()
.use(htmlToRehype, { fragment: true })

const mdast = unified()

const slateRaw = unified()
.use(remarkShortcodes, { plugins: registry.getEditorComponents() })
return result;

return slateRaw;

export const slateToRemark = (raw, shortcodePlugins) => {
const typeMap = {
'paragraph': 'paragraph',
'heading-one': 'heading',
'heading-two': 'heading',
'heading-three': 'heading',
'heading-four': 'heading',
'heading-five': 'heading',
'heading-six': 'heading',
'quote': 'blockquote',
'code': 'code',
'numbered-list': 'list',
'bulleted-list': 'list',
'list-item': 'listItem',
'table': 'table',
'table-row': 'tableRow',
'table-cell': 'tableCell',
'thematic-break': 'thematicBreak',
'link': 'link',
'image': 'image',
const markMap = {
bold: 'strong',
italic: 'emphasis',
strikethrough: 'delete',
code: 'inlineCode',
const transform = node => {
const children = isEmpty(node.nodes) ? node.nodes : node.nodes.reduce((acc, childNode) => {
if (childNode.kind !== 'text') {
return acc;
if (childNode.ranges) {
childNode.ranges.forEach(range => {
const { marks = [], text } = range;
const markTypes = => markMap[mark.type]);
if (markTypes.includes('inlineCode')) {
acc.push(u('inlineCode', text));
} else {
const textNode = u('html', text);
const nestedText = !markTypes.length ? textNode : markTypes.reduce((acc, markType) => {
const nested = u(markType, [acc]);
return nested;
}, textNode);
} else {

acc.push(u('html', childNode.text));
return acc;
}, []);

if (node.type === 'root') {
return u('root', children);

if (node.type === 'shortcode') {
const { data } = node;
const plugin = shortcodePlugins.get(data.shortcode);
const text = plugin.toBlock(data.shortcodeData);
const textNode = u('html', text);
return u('paragraph', { data }, [ textNode ]);

if (node.type.startsWith('heading')) {
const depths = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3, four: 4, five: 5, six: 6 };
const depth = node.type.split('-')[1];
const props = { depth: depths[depth] };
return u(typeMap[node.type], props, children);

if (['paragraph', 'quote', 'list-item', 'table', 'table-row', 'table-cell'].includes(node.type)) {
return u(typeMap[node.type], children);

if (node.type === 'code') {
const value = get(node.nodes, [0, 'text']);
const props = { lang: get(, 'lang') };
return u(typeMap[node.type], props, value);

if (['numbered-list', 'bulleted-list'].includes(node.type)) {
const ordered = node.type === 'numbered-list';
const props = { ordered, start: get(, 'start') || 1 };
return u(typeMap[node.type], props, children);

if (node.type === 'thematic-break') {
return u(typeMap[node.type]);

if (node.type === 'link') {
const data = get(node, 'data', {});
const { url, title } = data;
return u(typeMap[node.type], data, children);

if (node.type === 'image') {
const data = get(node, 'data', {});
const { url, title, alt } = data;
return u(typeMap[node.type], data);
raw.type = 'root';
const mdast = transform(raw);

* Convert an MDAST to Slate's Raw AST.
export const remarkToSlate = mdast => {
const result = unified()
.use(remarkShortcodes, { plugins: registry.getEditorComponents() })

return result;

* Convert a Slate Raw AST to MDAST.
* Requires shortcode plugins to parse shortcode nodes back to text.
* Note that Unified is not utilized for the conversion from Slate's Raw AST to
* MDAST. The conversion is manual because Unified can only operate on Unist
* trees.
export const slateToRemark = (raw) => {
const mdast = slateToRemarkParser(raw, { shortcodePlugins: registry.getEditorComponents() });
return mdast;

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