This project implements a simple VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price) participation algorithm for cryptocurrency markets. The algorithm simulates position accumulation while attempting to minimize trading costs in electronic markets, using high-frequency cryptocurrency trading data from 2024. Nanosecond level data was pulled from our professor at the University of Chicago. If you have any questions please email me at
The project utilizes high-frequency trade and order book data with the following formats:
Each record contains:
- Received UTC nanoseconds
- Timestamp UTC nanoseconds
- Price (in millionths)
- Size (in billionths)
- Side (-1 or +1, representing the trade direction)
Each record contains:
- Ask/Bid prices at multiple levels (in millionths)
- Ask/Bid sizes at multiple levels (in billionths)
- Received UTC nanoseconds
- Timestamp UTC nanoseconds
- Mid price
The VWAP participation algorithm:
- Target quantity (Q, positive for buying, negative for selling)
- Start time (τs)
- Target participation rate (p)
Key Parameters:
- Minimum size threshold (g) - representing unlikelihood of being first in queue
- Quoting participation rate k(p) - necessarily larger than p (max 5%)
- Pause duration (P) - ranges from 0.05 to 5 seconds
Conservative Assumptions:
- Only trades with opposite Side are available for participation
- For each price level, accumulation size = max(0, (total_level_quantity - g) × k)
- Algorithm pauses for P seconds after participating in a flurry of trades
- 50 basis points (0.5%) for trades between crypto-tokens and traditional currencies
- 10 basis points (0.1%) for trades between crypto-tokens
- The algorithm is post-only (passive)
- Target quantity (Q) selection can be based on quantiles of 5-minute volumes
- Minimum size threshold (g) can be derived from the 5th percentile of trade sizes
- The algorithm accommodates both buying and selling scenarios