integrals is a Python library for using numerical methods to approximate definite integrals.
Use the package manager pip to install integrals.
pip3 install integrals
from integrals import Riemann, Trapezoid, Simpson
from numpy import exp
f = lambda x:exp(x**2)
riemann = Riemann(f)
print(riemann.compute_integral(-1, 3, 30, 'midpoint')) # Computing the integral of f(x) using 'Riemann midpoint sum' from -1 to 3 with 30 sub-intervals.
trapezoid = Trapezoid(f)
print(trapezoid.compute_integral(-1, 3, 30)) # Computing the integral of f(x) using 'trapezoid rule' from -1 to 3 with 30 sub-intervals.
simpson = Simpson(f)
print(simpson.compute_integral(-1, 3, 30)) # Computing the integral of f(x) using 'Simpson's rule' from -1 to 3 with 30 sub-intervals.
riemann.plot_function() # Plots the function and shows the Rieman's sum rectangles
trapezoid.plot_function() # Plots the function and shows the trapezoids
simpson.plot_function() # Plots the function and shows the sectors
Riemann |
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Trapezoid | Simpson |
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Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.