A malware (web) scanner developed during CyperCamp Hackathon 2017
At the moment, there are some features avaiable for any type of website (custom or CMS) and some of them only available for specific platforms:
- Scan any website for malware using OWASP WebMalwareScanner checksum, YARA rules databases and ClamAV engine (if available)
- Perform some cleaning operations to improve website protection
- Monitor the website for changes. Details are written in a log file
- Scan your site to know if it has been infected with some malware
- List your local backups
- Logging support
- Backup your site
- Restore website
- Scan for suspect files and compare with a clean installation (for Wordpress and Drupal)
- Clean up your site to avoid giving extra information to attackers (only available for Wordpress)
To install masc on your computer, you can simply clone this repository. You can also download the latest release, untar it and try. Or maybe you prefer to install it usign pip ('pip3 install masc').
Check requirements before run it.
Check this notice before if you are using Debian Linux.
Check this notice before if you are using Mac OSX.
masc has been tested only in Linux and Mac OSX platforms. It should run under Windows but I don't have tried yet.
First of all, notice that this tool is developed under Linux and Mac OSX environments and, at the moment, it has been tested only under these Operating Systems
- Python >= 3
- Some Python libraries
- python-magic
- yara-python
- watchdog
- termcolor
- pypandoc
- progress
- pyclamd
santi@zenbook:$ pip3 install python-magic yara-python watchdog termcolor pypandoc progress pyclamd
- ClamAV to integrate with its engine (optional but recommended)
In my notebook, after upgrading to Debian testing, masc became to show an error related to Yara
OSError: /usr/lib/libyara.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
After trying a lot of solutions I found in the Internet, I realized that this file was located in my computer in /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/usr/lib, so I created a symbolic link from the previous path to /usr/lib
santi@zenbook:$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/usr/lib/libyara.so /usr/lib/libyara.so
And now, masc and Yara library are running with no problems.
masc is developed under Linux but it has been tested under Mac OSX. Anyway, it should run without problems under any Unix-friendly OS.
In particular, in Mac OSX I have noticed it's neccesary to install Homebrew to use python-magic library properly as libmagic. Check first the previous link to the brew homepage and then you will be able to install as I show below:
santi@zenbook:$ brew install libmagic
Also, in my computer I had to change the first line of the masc.py script. Python3 is installed in /usr/local/bin and it's not allowed to create symlinks from /usr/bin
Change the first line in masc.py
for this line
Anyway, you always can run masc using the Python interpreter instead running the script directly:
santi@zenbook:$ python3 masc.py
usage: masc [-h] [-af FILENAME] [--aw STRING] [-cc] [-cf] [-cr] [-c] [-l] [-b] [-m]
[-n NAME] [-p PATH] [-r] [-s] [-t {wordpress,drupal,custom}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-af FILENAME, --add-file FILENAME
Add a suspect file to the dictionary
-aw STRING --add-word STRING
Add a suspect content to the dictionary
-cc, --clean-cache Clean masc cache (cache and logs files, NO backups)
-cf, --compile-file Compile rules and save them in the system
-cr, --run-compiled-rules Running Compiled rules will help in saving memory of your system
-c, --clean-site Clean up the site (and apply some extra actions to hide information to attackers)
-l, --list-backups List local backups
-b, --make-backup Create a local backup of the current installation
-m, --monitor Monitor site to detect changes
-n NAME, --name NAME Name assigned to the scanned installation
-p PATH, --path PATH Website installation path
-r, --rollback Restore a local backup
-s, --scan Scan website for malware
-t {wordpress,drupal,custom}, --site-type {wordpress,drupal,custom}
which type of web you want to scan:: wordpress,
joomla, drupal or magento
The actions you can perform over a web installation are:
- -s, --scan (with or without the option --clean-site)
- -r, --rollback (with its options)
- -m, --monitor (with its options)
- -b, --make-backup (with its options)
- -l, --list-backups
- -cf, --compile-file
And you have to consider that if you want to perform some actions over some kind of web installation, it's mandatory to specify the type (-t or --type) and path (-p or --path).
For instance, if you have a WordPress installation in /var/www/html and you want to scan it entirely:
santi@zenbook:$ ./masc.py --scan --site-type wordpress --path /var/www/html
And if you want to perform clean up actions (to remove some malware, for instance):
santi@zenbook:$ ./masc.py --scan --site-type wordpress --path /var/www/html --clean-site
There are two samples of hacked websites in the samples zip file:
- drupal: clean Drupal installation with some malware scripts. You can use it to make your test during development
- wordpress: clean WodPress installation with some malware to test. There is also some security holes such as emtpy directories and some permissions wrong to test the extra features implemented to this kind of CMS
In addition, there is a repository in the Docker Hub to perform tests masc-wordpress
You can find a tutorial about how to use masc at the wiki
If you want to contribute to this project, take a look at the wiki. There is a section about How to contribute to this project
Thanks to OWASP WebMalwareScanner for some ideas and the signatures databases with checksums and YARA rules (and how to load it to work with).
Santiago Faci santi@codeandcoke.com