An e-commerce website with simple styling using React, React-Router-Dom and product data stored in Firestore. Featuring home, product and cart pages, with a cart system. Home page has a carousel displaying featured products, and a grid of products displayed from cheapest to most expensive.
- Favourites page
- Search bar
- Cart item count displayed next to cart
- Multiple photos on product page
- Photo changes with colour selection
- Add more products to database
Create an e-commerce site scoped to one category of products.
At a minimum your e-shop website should have three pages:
Home Page
- A Grid of products
- Carousel of featured products
Product Page (with id parameter)
- displays product details and options
- allows you to add to cart and select product variants
Cart Page and system
- List of products in cart
- Ability to change quantity of products in cart
- Ability to remove items from cart
- Logic to prevent users from adding items to cart that are no longer in stock.
All data should be stored in Firestore and fetched by the frontend.
- Store the following information:
- quantity
- variants (could be colors, sizes, etc)
- price per unit
- name
- image url
- favourited or not (boolean)
- Store the following information: