nixfmt .
For the initial install you can use ./scripts/
which will
set up your disks. Handle with care, this will automatically overwrite your
After that run:
sudo nixos-install --flake .#<hostname>
Use the apply-system
scripts to apply the configuration. E.g.:
This should use your hostname to generate the right config. If you don't have the hostname set yet, you can use:
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#<hostname>
Use the apply-user-<username>
scripts to apply the configuration. E.g.:
- Set up Python via shells
- Install VS-Code. Either on a per-project basis or globally (maybe there are shell templates?)
- Configure AWS cli via HomeManager using the .secrets directory
- Add dnd shortcut
- Caps <-> Ctrl only for notebook
- See if it is possible to save JetBrains settings in this repo, while still being able to change something via the UI
- Git config
rerere.enabled true
- Git config
branch.sort -committerdate
- Git config
core.fsmonitor true
- Git config
core.untrackedCache true
- Dunstctl font blurry
- Dunstctl window in the middle of the screen, E-Mails and Messages should appear longer (maybe with sound even?)
- Install and configure
- Create a windows like desktop as alternative (and maybe for gaming and office stuff)