PeARS Federated is a version of PeARS for federated use. Admins create PeARS instances that users can join to contribute to the index.
PeARS Federated is provided as-is. Before you use it, please check the rules of your country on crawling Web content and displaying snippets. And be a good netizen: do not overload people's servers while indexing!
We assume that you will first want to play with your installation locally. The following is meant to help you test PeARS on localhost, on your machine. At the point where you are ready to deploy, please check our wiki for more instructions.
git clone
If you haven't yet set up virtualenv on your machine, please install it via pip:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
Then change into the PeARS-orchard directory:
cd PeARS-federated
Then run:
virtualenv env && source env/bin/activate
From the PeARS-federated directory, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to search and index in several languages at the same time, you can add multilingual support to your English install. To do this:
python3 lc
where you should replace lc with a language code of your choice. For now, we are only supporting English (en) and German (de), but more languages are coming!
There is a .env template file at .env-template in the root directory of the repository. You should copy it to .env and fill in the information for your setup.
While on your local machine, in the root of the repo, run:
Now, go to your browser at localhost:8080. You should see the search page for PeARS. You don't have any pages indexed yet, so go to the F.A.Q. page (link at the top of the page) and follow the short instructions to get you going!
From the command line, go to your PeARS directory and run:
flask db init
to set up a migration directory.
Then, whenever the models have changed, first generate a migration script:
flask db migrate -m "Your message describing the change."
And apply the migration script to your database:
flask db upgrade