This plugin adds WebRTC functionality to the Mattermost WebApp with the help of Kopano Web Meetings.
Important notice: Mattermost has introduced breaking changes to their plugin framework with version 5.2.0. This plugin is compatible with Mattermost 5.2.0 and upwards. Please check the download archive for older releases.
Please see and for more details.
We recommend keeping up to date with Mattermost, since we are only performing tests against the latest Mattermost release. Please see the Kopano Mattermost manual on how to use our deb and rpm packages to easily stay up to date with your Mattermost installation.
Make sure you have Go 1.8 or later installed. This assumes your GOPATH is ~/go
you have ~/go/bin
in your $PATH and you have Glide
installed as well.
This Mattermost plugin also includes a web part which requires Yarn.
Thus it furthermore assumed that you have yarn
in your $PATH.
mkdir -p ~/go/src/
cd ~/go/src/
git clone <THIS-PROJECT> mattermost-plugin-kopanowebmeetings
cd mattermost-plugin-kopanowebmeetings
make dist
This will create a tarball inside the ./dist
folder which can be installed as
a Mattermost plugin.
- Mattermost server 4.5 or later running on Linux
- Kopano Webmeetings Server 0.3 or later
No special requirements for Mattermost. Just install and enable the plugin and use the following configuration settings:
Point to a https base URL where the Kopano Webmeeting server API is available. This URL is used by Mattermost Web clients (== the users) to connect with KWM.
Example: https://kopanowebmeetings.local
Point to a URL where the Kopano Webmeeting server API is available. This URL is used internally by Mattermost server to connect to KWM. If this is a https URL, then the certificate and hostname must validate, otherwise the connection will fail.
Example: (assuming KWM is running on the same host as Mattermost)
While optional, it is recommended to configure a STUN server. A list of free to use public STUN servers can be found at
The TURN server configuration, TURN username and its shared secret require a properly configured TURN server running with the same shared secret. An opensource TURN server which supportes WebRTC can be found at
Kopano Webmeetings server needs to be available via a HTTPS URL so the Mattermost Web client can access the KWM API via KWMJS through the Kopano Web Meetings Server URL as configured in the Mattermost plugin settings.
In addition, the Mattermost plugin also accesses the admin API of KWM through the
Kopano Web Meetings Server secure internal URL as configured in the Mattermost
plugin settings. Make sure to make the KWM admin API only accessible from Mattermost
and start the Kopano Webmeetings kwmserverd
with the --admin-tokens-key
./bin/kwmserverd serve \
--listen \
--admin-tokens-key /path/to/admin-tokens.key
for licensing information of this project.