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Haplotype-specific somatic copy number aberrations/profiling from long reads sequencing data


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A tool to analyze haplotype-specific chromosome-scale somatic copy number aberrations and aneuploidy using long reads (Oxford Nanopore, PacBio). Wakhan takes long-read alignment and phased heterozygous variants as input, and first uses extends the phased blocks, taking advantage of the CNA differences between the haplotypes. Wakhan then generates inetractive haplotype-specific coverage plots.

Breakpoints/SVs based segmentation and Copy numbers estimation:


Installation (enabling through conda environment)

git clone
cd Wakhan/
conda env create -f environment.yml -n Wakhan
conda activate Wakhan


Tumor-Normal Mode (requires tumor BAM and normal phased VCF)

python --threads <4> --reference <ref.fa>  --target-bam <data.tumor.bam>  --normal-phased-vcf <data.normal_phased.vcf.gz>  --genome-name <cellline/dataset name> --out-dir-plots <genome_abc_output> --breakpoints <severus-sv-VCF>

Tumor-only (requires tumor BAM and tumor phased VCF)

python --threads <4> --reference <ref.fa>  --target-bam <data.tumor.bam>  --tumor-vcf <data.tumor_phased.vcf.gz> --genome-name <cellline/dataset name> --out-dir-plots <genome_abc_output> --breakpoints <severus-sv-VCF>
Breakpoints/Structural variations or change point detection algo for copy number model

Wakhan accepts Severus or any other structural variant caller VCF as breakpoints with param --breakpoints inputs to detect copy number changes and this option is highly recommended. However, if --breakpoints option is not used, --change-point-detection-for-cna should be used instead to use change point detection algorithm ruptures alternatively.

Tumor-Normal mixture and purity/ploidy estimation

User can input both --ploidy-range [default: 1.5-5.5 -> [min-max]] and --purity-range [default: 0.5-1.0 -> [min-max] to inform copy number model about normal contamination in tumor to estimate copy number states correctly.

Genes/copy number annotations

By default, Wakhan uses COSMIC cancer census genes (100 genes freely available) to display corresponding copy number states in <genome_name>_<ploidy>_<purity>_<confidence>_genes_genome.html file. Complete COSMIC academic/research purpose cancer census genes set (Cosmic_CancerGeneCensus_v101_GRCh38.tsv) could be downloaded from COSMIC. Please run the scripts/ to extract the required fields and then input resultant cosmic_genes.tsv in param --user-input-genes. Alternatively, user can also input path through param --user-input-genes to custom input genes/subset of genes [examples in src\annotations\user_input_genes_example_.bed] bed file these genes will be used in plots instead of default COSMIC cancer genes. grch38 reference genes will be use as default, user can input alternate (i.e, chm13) --reference-name to change to T2T-CHM13 coordinates instead.

Quick-run if coverage/pileup data is already available

Wakhan produces reads coverage coverage.csv (bin-size based reads coverage) and phasesets reads coverage coverage_ps.csv data, phase-corrected coverage phase_corrected_coverage.csv (as well as tumor BAM pileup pileup_SNPs.csv in case Tumor/normal mode) and stores in directory coverage_data inside --out-dir-plots location. If this data has already been generated in a previous Wakhan run, user can rerun the Wakhan with additionally passing --quick-start and --quick-start-coverage-path <path to coverage_data directory -> e.g., /home/rezkuh/data/1437/coverage_data> in addition to required params in above example runs. This will save runtime significantly by not invoking coverage and pileup methods.


Few cell lines arbitrary phase-switch correction and copy number estimation output with coverage profile is included in the examples directory.

Required parameters

  • --reference Reference file path

  • --target-bam path to target bam files (must be indexed)

  • --out-dir-plots path to output coverage plots

  • --genome-name genome cellline/sample name to be displayed on plots

  • --normal-phased-vcf normal phased VCF file to generate het SNPs frequncies pileup for tumor BAM (if tumor-only mode, use phased --tumor-vcf instead)

  • --tumor-vcf phased VCF is required in tumor-only mode

Optional parameters

  • --breakpoints For segmentation to use in CN estimation, structural variations/breakpoints VCF file is required

  • --breakpoints-min-length To adjust breakpoints min length to be included in copy number analysis [default: 10000]

  • --cpd-internal-segments For change point detection algo on internal segments after breakpoint/cpd algo for more precise segmentation.

  • --copynumbers-subclonal-enable Enabling subclonal/fractional copy number states in plots

  • --loh-enable Enabling LOH regions display in CN plots

  • --phaseblock-flipping-disable disabling phaseblock flipping if traget tumor BAM doesn't need phase-correction (default: enabled)

  • --phaseblocks-enable enabling phaseblocks display in coverage plots

  • --contigs List of contigs (chromosomes, default: chr1-22) to be included in the plots [e.g., chr1-22,X,Y]

  • --cut-threshold Maximum cut threshold for coverage (readdepth) plots [default: 100]

  • --centromere Path to centromere annotations BED file [default: annotations/grch38.cen_coord.curated.bed]

  • --cancer-genes Path to Cancer Genes in TSV format to display in CNA plots [default: annotations/CancerGenes.tsv]

  • --pdf-enable Enabling PDF output for plots

Wakhan can also be used in case phasing is not good in input tumor or analysis is being performed without considering phasing:

  • --without-phasing enable it if CNA analysis is being performed without phasing in conjunction with --phaseblock-flipping-disable with all other required parameters as mentioned in example command

Here is a sample copy number/breakpoints output plot without phasing. plots_example

Output produced

Based on best confidence scores, tumor purity and ploidy values are calculated and copy number analysis is performed. Each subfolder in output directory represents best <ploidy><purity><confidence> values.

  • <genome-name>_genome_copynumber.html Genome-wide copy number plots with coverage information on same axis
  • <genome-name>_copynumber_breakpoints.html Genome-wide copy number plots with coverage information on opposite axis, additionally breakpoints and genes annotations
  • <genome-name>_copynumber_breakpoints_subclonal.html Genome-wide subclonal/fractional copy number plots with coverage information on opposite axis, additionally breakpoints and genes annotations (--copynumbers-subclonal-enable)
  • bed_output It contains copy numbers segments in bed format
  • variation_plots Copy number chromosomes-scale plots with segmentation, coverage and LOH

Following are coverage and SNPs/LOH plots and bed directories in output folder, independent of CNA analysis

  • snps_loh_plots SNPs and SNPs ratios plots with LOH representation in chromosomes-scale and genome-wide
  • <genome-name>_genome_loh.html Genome-wide LOH plot
  • bed_output It contains LOH segments in bed format
  • coverage_plots Haplotype specific coverage plots for chromosomes with option for unphased coverage
  • phasing_output Phase-switch error correction plots and phase corrected VCF file (*rephased.vcf.gz)


This tool requires haplotagged tumor BAM and phased VCF in case tumor-only mode and normal phased VCF in case tumor-normal mode. This can be done through any phasing tools like Margin, Whatshap and Longphase. Following commands could be helpful for phasing VCFs and haplotagging BAMs.

For normal/tumor pair:

# ClairS phase and haplotag both normal and tumor samples
singularity run clairs_latest.sif /opt/bin/run_clairs --threads 56 --phase_tumor True --use_whatshap_for_final_output_haplotagging --use_whatshap_for_final_output_phasing --tumor_bam_fn normal.bam --normal_bam_fn tumor.bam --ref ref.fasta --output_dir clairS --platform ont_r10


# Phase normal sample
pepper_margin_deepvariant call_variant -b normal.bam -f ref.fasta -o pepper/output -t 56 --ont_r9_guppy5_sup -p pepper --phased_output

# Haplotag tumor sample with normal phased VCF (phased.vcf.gz) output from previous step
whatshap haplotag --ignore-read-groups phased.vcf.gz tumor.bam  --reference ref.fasta -o tumor_whatshap_haplotagged.bam

For tumor only:

# Phase and haplotag tumor sample
singularity run clair3_latest.sif /opt/bin/ --use_whatshap_for_final_output_haplotagging --use_whatshap_for_final_output_phasing --bam_fn=tumor.bam --ref_fn=ref.fasta --threads=56 --platform=ont --model_path=r941_prom_sup_g5014 --output=clair3 --enable_phasing


# Phase and haplotag tumor sample
pepper_margin_deepvariant call_variant -b tumor.bam -f ref.fasta -o pepper/output -t 56 --ont_r9_guppy5_sup -p pepper --phased_output


Haplotype-specific somatic copy number aberrations/profiling from long reads sequencing data







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