This is a Kotlin Spring Boot application serving as a backend API service for the Kogo content platform.
# Start test MongoDB
docker compose -f docker-compose.test.yml up
if you want to run the full test cases
# Run all tests (including integration)
./gradlew test
# Development
./gradlew bootRun
./gradlew clean build -x test # Skip tests
./gradlew clean build # With tests
# macOS
brew install sops
# Linux
curl -L -o sops
chmod +x sops
sudo mv sops /usr/local/bin/
Decrypt configuration:
sops --config=src/main/resources/sops.yml -d -i src/main/resources/application-{env}.yml
Encrypt configuration before push:
sops --config=src/main/resources/sops.yml -e -i src/main/resources/application-{env}.yml