A Full Stack JavaScript Developer 🚀 from China. I consider myself as a skilled JS Developer with good debugging skills.
Stacks I have worked with : Vue + Element, Vue + TS, Nuxt, HTML5 Game Engines.
Things I have recently experimented with : React-cli, Next, Framer Motion and UI design...
Want to become a full-time Freelancer 💸.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning React and Next 🎨
- 💬 Ask me about anything related to JS, Vue.(After googling it 😜😌)
- ⚡️ Daily Routine: I wake up at 6.30am and go to bed at 11pm 🙃
- 🎿 Hobbies other than coding : Investing in U.S. Stocks , BTC , Play video games 🎮, Thinking about which muscles I'm going to work on at the gym today 🤔🤖..