The project focuses on my personal environment configurations. The aim is to establish a standardized setup that optimizes my productivity and efficiency across various tasks. This involves setting up development tools, and organizing my workspace to best suit my workflow.
- Installation Terminal App: Ensure that the terminal application is installed and functioning correctly.
- Installation PowerShell 7: Confirm that PowerShell version 7 is installed on the system.
- Installation VS Code: Make sure that Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is installed as your primary code editor.
- Commands to install the modules used
- Terminal font: "Hack Nerd Font"
- Commands in terminal
winget install JanDeDobbeleer.OhMyPosh -s winget
oh-my-posh font install
Install-Module -Name posh-git -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module -Name Get-ChildItemColor -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Scope CurrentUser
Install-Module -Name DockerCompletion -Scope CurrentUser
code . $PROFILE
Kinnitchi |