Launch your favorite programs with only 3 keystrokes! (hence the name)
is an ultra-fast customizable program launcher.
For example (It's fully configurable!):
- Win+V+S = Visual Studio
- Win+P+S = Photoshop
- Win+S+O = Open
Just press Win, then another 2 keystrokes, and the program is launched.
Just download the, it's binary built for windows.
- Put your shortcuts (.lnk files) in ./shortcuts/ They MUST be named [TWO ENGLISH CHARACTERS].lnk (e.g. ps.lnk) in order to work
- Run ./3launch.exe
- Press Windows key to call 3launch, press another 2 keys to launch your program!
- You can press Windows key again or press Esc to hide 3launch
- You can also click on a list item instead of pressing 2 keys to launch a program
- When the contents of ./shortcuts/ is changed, 3launch will update automatically
Run ./Configurator.exe
Either stop this application or use Ctrl + Esc
- Generic files (using default launcher for specific extension)
- Directories
- .exe
- .url
- .bat
MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Kevin Wang