WikiAsteroids is the classic Asteroids game with a Wikipedia twist. Each edit to an article on Wikipedia spawns an asteroid.
- The larger the edit, the larger the asteroid (and the more shots it takes to destroy).
- Blue asteroids indicate additions, red asteroids indicate subtractions.
- When you destroy an asteroid, an article preview shows up in the sidebar with a link to the edit.
- At the bottom of this page, you can toggle edits from various language Wikipedias.
Edits are pulled via Wikimedia's EventStreams service.
This project was inspired by Listen to Wikipedia, a great project that lets you see and hear edits as they happen on Wikipedia.
- Anta font by Sergej Lebedev (SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1)
- Orbitron font by Matt McInerney (SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1)
In game sound effects are from
- Ship damaged sound by CogFireStudios (source)
- Final explosion sound by SamsterBirdies (source)
- Start/pause sound by crisstanza (source)
- Laser sound by DeltaCode (source)
- Triple laser sound by DeltaCode (source)
- Laser striking asteroid sound by Huminaatio (source)
- Powerup ending sound by IndigoRay (source)
- Explode all asteroids powerup sound by bevibeldesign (source)
- Faster fire powerup by danlucaz (source)
- Heart powerup sound by Cman634 (source)
- Shield powerup sound by GameAudio (source)
- Slow motion powerup sound by Silencer1337 (source)
- Spawn power up sound by stwime (source)
- Triple shot powerup sound by colorsCrimsonTears (source)
- Thrust sound by mango777 (source)