BiTrack: Bidirectional Offline 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Camera-LiDAR Data
Put KITTI tracking data to the "data/kitti/tracking" directory (symbolic links are recommended).
If you want to generate 2D-3D detection results using VoxelRCNN and SpatialEmbedding, follow the KITTI detection instructions.
If you have generated detection files using other models, skip to 2D-3D fusion instructions. Put 3D detection results to the "data/kitti/tracking/$split/det3d_out/$det3d_name" directory and put 2D segmentation results to the "data/kitti/tracking/$split/seg_out/$seg_name" directory. You can also use other file paths but the configuration file should be changed accordingly.
- Build CUDA operators for 3D-IoU and PointNet++.
python develop
Download the converted model weight file from Google Drive and put it to "detection/voxel_rcnn/voxel_rcnn.pth".
Network inference using a specific configuration file under the "configs" directory.
python $config_path $split --inference
- (Optional) Average precision evaluation for cars. (1) Convert the tracking labels to the detection format. (2) Convert the detection results to the detection format. (3) Perform evaluation using the converted labels and results.
python data_processing/
python data_processing/ $result_src $result_dst
python ./data/kitti/detection/training/label_2 $result_dst
Download the converted model weight file from Google Drive and put it to "segmentation/spatial_embeddings/spatial_embeddings.pth".
Network inference using a specific configuration file under the "configs" directory.
python $config_path $split
- Crop LiDAR points that are inside 3D bounding boxes.
python data_processing/ $config_path $split
- Save image shapes to json (not all KITTI images have the same shape).
python data_processing/ $config_path $split
- Run the detection fusion script.
python $config_path $split
- Forward tracking.
python $config_path $forward_tag $split
- Backward tracking.
python $config_path $backward_tag $split --backward
- Trajectory fusion and refinement.
python $config_path $final_tag $split $foward_tag $backward_tag
- Evaluation for cars.
python TrackEval/scripts/ --TIME_PROGRESS False --PRINT_CONFIG False --GT_FOLDER data/kitti/tracking/training --TRACKERS_FOLDER output/kitti/$split --CLASSES_TO_EVAL car --TRACKERS_TO_EVAL $tag --SPLIT_TO_EVAL $split