# git get github.com/KellyLSB/demondin
# cd $GOPATH/go/src/github.com/KellyLSB/demondin
# dep ensure && yarn
# webpack && go run main.go
- GORM (Database Object Relational Mapper)
^^ Provides a simple model engine; though bulky and easily replaceable. ^^ ==> There are some efficiency issues; may require community contribution. ^^ ==> GORM/Preloader *[#1436] -- Application Logic Fits Here vv ==> Modelgen plugin...? vv Generates Models [nearly compliant with GORM]
- gQLgen (GraphQL Object Serializer).
- GoMacaron (main.go / HTTP Router).
gQLgen generates the models in graphql/model/generated.go
# cd graphql; go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen; cd -;
gQlgen offers a modelgen plugin; utilizing this may provide a path for including the extra model structure tags required for GORM's database automigration tooling.
Currently I'm migrating the extra tags by hand;
using # git diff --cached graphql/model/generated.go
for differentiation.
GoMacaron provides interfacing for setting up the HTTP stack. Sessions are provided to the graphql stack so that data may be delivered. Templates are configured for rendering frontend applications. Extensions of core application capacity is configured here.
| GET: /shop
Delivers the shopfront following application start.
jsx/checkout/{main, *}.jsx
Renders and orchestrates communication between /graphql
with a ReactJS application structure.