Install catkin tools if you havent already: https://catkin-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installing.html
Create a ROS workspace and name it infrastructure system
mkdir -p ~/infrastructure_system/src
cd ~/infrastructure_system/
catkin build
- Install FlexBE Binaries and clone the app to your src folder
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-flexbe-behavior-engine
git clone https://github.com/FlexBE/flexbe_app.git
- Clone this repository into your src folder
Install rosserial and arduino: http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial_arduino/Tutorials/Arduino%20IDE%20Setup
Add the custom messages in the infrastucture_msgs package to rosserial: http://wiki.ros.org/rosserial_arduino/Tutorials/Adding%20Custom%20Messages
You will need to create your own Moveit class that you can use within the action server located in hardware_flexbe_link its still very much under developement so Im not gonna go into too much detail until we do further testing, if you need to use it or need a Moveit class contact me and I can walk you through.
roslaunch infrastructure_flexbe_behaviors infrastructure_start_all.launch
This will launch FlexBe and all of the necesary nodes for a full trial. There are 4 arguments you can pass to the launch function for different behavior:
collect_data:=true (This activates data collection and rosbags and video recordings (if a camera is plugged in) will be sent to folders in the data collection package
rosbag_path:=<path> (You can use this to change where bagfiles are stored on your machine, make sure to use a full path)
video_path:=<path> (You can use this to change where videos are stored on your machine, make sure to use a full path)
use_hardware:=true (This activates the rosserial node and allows you to connect with any of the physical hardware. BAUD is set to 57600)
They automatically default to false so you have to explicitly state them if you wish to use any combination of these.
After running the launch file FlexBe will pop up to use the testbed or door:
Load Behavior->Door_System_Behavior->Runtime Control->Change number of tests and trials to whatever youd like->Start Execution
Load Behavior->Grasp_Reset_System_Behavior_Single->Runtime Control->Change number of tests and trials to whatever youd like(If you want the python action server make sure to change the topic from single_stage_as to: single_stage_as_py)->Start Execution
The other Behaviors and states can be used as templates or testing/debugging tools but will require some tinkering.
This is still very much under developement so there will be bugs and things will break. I most likely forgot something on here as well so if you need to use it with an arm or have any questions feel free to contact me at navek@oregonstate.edu. Good Luck!