Virtual Beamline for BlueSky Control System Testing
- Base image is Debian with Epics added in.
- The default epics is located at
- Synthetic apps (synapps) is build on top of the base image.
- epics-synapps:
- Each individual sim device is a container.
Create a network for all virtual devices using
docker network create --driver bridge virtualbeam
- All devices need to be run with --net=virtualbeam
Start the caRepeater on the network
docker run -d --rm --entrypoint="bin/linux-x86_64/caRepeater" --name="caRepeater" --net=virtualbeam kedokudo/virtualbeamline:epics-base
Start the remaing devices
Start the simulated scalers and motors
docker run -dit --rm -e IOC_PREFIX='6iddSIM:' -e IOCNAME='6iddSIM' --net=virtualbeam --name="ioc6iddsimmtr" kedokudo/virtualbeamline:ioc6iddsimmtr /bin/bash
Start the simulated detector for 6-ID-D
docker run -dit --rm -e IOC_PREFIX='6iddSIMDET1:' --net=virtualbeam --name='ioc6iddsimdet' kedokudo/virtualbeamline:ioc6iddsimdet /bin/bash
- This will start the sim detector session in the background, to reconnect to it, issue
docker attach simDet
and use
ctrl+p ctrl+q
to safely detatch from the container without stopping it.
- This will start the sim detector session in the background, to reconnect to it, issue
Accessing PVs on the network by first starting a new container with
docker run -it --rm --net=virtualbeam kedokudo/virtualbeamline:base /bin/bash
Go to the root of the repo where you can find the file docker-compose.yml
, then issue the follwoing command
>> docker-compose up -d
which should start up all the virtual devices in a bridge network. To power down the entire virtual beamline, go to the same folder as above and issue
>> docker-compose down
which will stop all containers (virtual devices), then the entire virtual network.
- Technically, you can use
if you want to start the virtual beamline at other location.- A console is provided to inspec all virtual devices using epics cmd. To attach to it, use
docker attach $console_ID
to start the shell.