CAF Platform provides reliable SDKs that can be integrated into projects/applications for document reading and other resources, ideal for integration flows. In this project I built an application using these SDKs to help you perform this integration.
This application used the Flutter tool and presents characteristics such as
These features need to be changed in files like build.gradle and info.plist
- Document Detector
- Passive Face Liveness
- Face Authenticator
To integrate your project with these tools, you must have an account on the caf platform. After an account is created, make sure to add the imports in the build.gradle and in the Podfile for IOS, you also need to grant the camera permission in the info.plist file, calm down 😅, it's all here:
In the build.gradle file at the app folder level add
android {
buildFeatures {
dataBinding = true
dataBinding.enabled = true
aaptOptions {
noCompress "tflite"
Still in the build.gradle file at the app folder level within dependencies add the resource you will use in your project and the camera implementations
dependencies {
implementation ""
implementation 'com.combateafraude.sdk:document-detector:6.37.0' // -> DocumentDetector
implementation 'com.combateafraude.sdk:passive-face-liveness:5.25.11' // -> PassiveFaceLivenes
implementation 'com.combateafraude.sdk:face-authenticator:5.8.10' // -> FaceAuthenticator
implementation ''
implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.0.2'
For IOS, inside the folder ios/runner/info.plist add
<string>To read the documents</string>
// Required only for the document upload flow
<string>To select images</string>
Still on ios add in the Podfile file
source ''
source '' # or '' if the CDN is down
Once that's done, just add the project to pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
ref: document-detector-v5.26.0-rc01
ref: passive-face-liveness-v4.30.0
ref: face-authenticator-v3.12.0
That's it, your project is set up, just use it in your app, you can base it on the code developed in this repository.
Document Detector |
Passive Face Liveness |
Face Authenticator |
It is worth mentioning that, in order to communicate with the CAF API, it is necessary to have an access token, which in the project of this repository can be added here:
Since it's a simple project created inside a .dart file, I suggest you add it to an .env file or another file where the token is not versioned.
For visual customization or other settings, follow the official documentation 😉.
Kauê Alves Sena - Mobile Developer 💙 |
Thanks for your attention.