- Player 1 places his bid
- Player 2 places his bid (has to match the previous bid)
- If no other player places a bid within the next minute, Player 2 receives the full reward
- If Player 1 (or some other player) places a matching bid, the timer is reset
- Players keep bidding until the timer runs out
- Game Theory and the Sunk Cost Fallacy dictates that the timer will never run out and the pool of bids will grow infinitely large until all money has been spent
- The only globally optimal solution for all players is to not play the game unless one can be sure that he will be the only player
Ropsten Test Network: https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x60d772Fa8E8B98c50Bb370892B0696f12beD83d5
- Clone:
git clone https://github.com/Kaisle/DollarAuctionSolidity && cd DollarAuctionSolidity
npm install
- Set up a local blockchain:
- Run
sudo truffle migrate --reset
in root
You might need to configure truffle.js to point to your local blockchain:
development: { host: "localhost", // IP here port: 7545, // Port number here network_id: "*" // Match any network id },
You can now interact with the smart contract on your local blockchain.
- Run
node interact.js
in root - Modify the code in
to make your own calls using the Web3 and Truffle-Contract API's.
- Run
truffle test
in root
- Timer interval = 60 seconds
- Minimum bid = 0.01 ETH