This is a simple yet fully functional example of a video plugin for Kodi mediacenter. Please read the comments in the plugin code for more details. An installable .zip can be downloaded from "Releases" tab. Do not try to install a .zip generated by GitHub.
Note: the purpose of this example plugin is to show you how to organize and play your media content in Kodi. The methods of obtaining such content, for example parsing websites or working with various APIs, are beyond the scope of this example.
Warning: the "master" branch is only compatible with Kody 20.0 ("Nexus") and above that uses Python 3 runtime for addons. For older versions see "matrix" and "python2" branches.
- Code: GPL v.3
- Images: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0. Genre images are borrowed from Kodi icon packs by Team-Kodi, Xzener and Gade.