🌱 I am a PhD student at China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing.
💬 My research direction is satellite mission plan(AEOSP) and LLM.
⭐ Datawhale Members.
🌟 Developer of GitHub projects with 10,000+ stars
📧 You can reach me at: kmno4-song@foxmail.com
NLP : Large Language Model, Prompt Engineering and more things about NLP.
Language : Python, Pytorch and Markdown.
Theory : Voronoi diagram algorithm.
As a manager :
self-llm : 《开源大模型食用指南》 更适合中国宝宝的大模型部署指南,Github 11.7k star,并多次登顶 Github Trending!
tiny-universe : 《大模型白盒子构建指南》致力于从零手搓大模型相关任务,如:RAG、Agent、Eval等等,Github 2.0k star.
huanhuan-chat : A chat robot based on ChatGLM2 likes Zhenhuan。
AMchat : AM (Advanced Mathematics) chat 是一个集成了数学知识和高等数学习题及其解答的大语言模型。
d2l-ai-solutions-manual : The answers to the exercises after class Dive into Deep Learning. 动手学深度学习 习题解答项目~
As a member :
prompt-engineering-for-developers : A chinese tutorial of ChatGPT for Developers, contains three classes of AndrewNg.
Datawhale NLP 夏令营-Baseline: A baseline for the iFLYTEK algorithm competition, a core class in DataWhale AI summer camp.4
InternLM-tutorial :书生·浦语大模型实战营,第二节《轻松分钟玩转书生·浦语大模型趣味 Demo》负责人~
Tianji: An AI system which can be utilized for tasks involving worldly wisdom to enhance your emotional intelligence.
科大讯飞算法赛-基于论文摘要的文本分类与关键词抽取挑战赛: NLP competition of iFLYTEK, Top 3.
科大讯飞算法赛-人岗匹配挑战赛: NLP competition of iFLYTEK, Top3.
星火杯认知大模型场景创新赛:LLM competition of iFLYTEK, Top 50, still in competition.