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Howto create a new checker

ifrh edited this page Feb 20, 2022 · 4 revisions

1. Create a new checker subclass in src/praktomat/checker/checker. An annotated skeleton of such an checker can be found in documentation/

2. Add the name of the new checker class to the __all__ list of src/praktomat/checker/checker/ (Otherwise bin/praktomat would not find it.)

3. Create a new migration for the database by running:

  • from Django 1.7 upwards migrations are built into the core of Django. (Documentation can be found here: If you add --name SOMENAME as parameter to makemigrations you can define a semantic meaningfull name of migrationfile:
./Praktomat/src/ makemigrations --noinput
+ Added model checker.ExampleChecker
Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate checker
  • If you are running a previous version, you use South. (That Documatation for migrations can be found here:
./bin/praktomat schemamigration checker --auto
+ Added model checker.ExampleChecker
Created You can now apply this migration with: ./ migrate checker

4. Update the database by running:

./bin/praktomat migrate checker
Running migrations for checker:
- Migrating forwards to 0004_auto__add_examplechecker.
> checker:0004_auto__add_examplechecker
- Loading initial data for checker.
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