RF Wattmeter V2
Version 2 is the completion of many small and large enhancements including 3.5" Nextion Display, auto calibration, OLED display, and complete headless control. A graphing screen for power and SWR was added to the Nextion. The desktop app gained a Config screen. All features are in the PSoC5 version code and is matched to the Desktop app. The Arduino M5Stack is not far behind, will operated with the ADS1100 I2C connected external 16bit ADC and offer great performance over the internal ADC and has a 320x240 built-in display with 3 buttons. Most of the remote monitoring and control enhancements will work OK, there are some command changes mostly around calibration commands that have changed. The Nano was converted and proven to work headless, not further updates have been made. With an external ADC like the ADS1115 or ADS1100 it could perform decently with a small OLED or even a Nextion.