➥ Web Applications | Mobile Applications (Android) | Infrastructure | Physical | Active Directory (AD)
➥ Secure Coding: Assisting developers in creating more secure code
➥ Secure Code Reviews: Reviewing code for vulnerabilities along with white box pentesting
➥ Red Teaming: Engagements mimicking APTs or a mix of well known APTs
➥ DevSecOps: Helping companies in implementing security measures in the traditonal DevOps cycle.
➥ K1ngDamien Security Blog: A blog that covers several cyber security topics ranging from CTF writeups, to new interesting tooling, to investigations and proof of concepts!
➥ EPSS Super Sorter: A tool to sort bulk CVEs based on their Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) score
➥ The Python Care Package (WIP): A small project over entry-level Red Teaming tools you can quickly copy, code or run yourself on engagements!