It is a package that supports common utils used by FOSSLight Scanner.
- It simplifies the logger setup.
- It provides a simple function to create a output file.
- It provides a spdx license list with json format.
- It defines common constant variables.
- It provides a thread that prints the spinner.
- Download source code.
FOSSLight Util needs a Python 3.6+.
It can be installed using pip3.
$ pip3 install fosslight_util
Three modules can be called. Please refer to each file for detailed calling method.
from fosslight_util.set_log import init_log
# 1st param : log file path
# 2nd param : create file (True/False)
# 3rd param : stream log level
# 4th param : file log level
# =>log level(CRITICAL:50, ERROR:40, WARNING:30, INFO:20, DEBUG:10, NOTSET:0)
# 5th param : package name of fosslight scanners (fosslight_source / fosslight_dependency / fosslight_reuse)
# 6th param : path to analyze
# 1st return value : a logger
# 2nd return value : log items to print
def test():
logger, log_item = init_log("test_result/log_file1.txt", True, 30, 20)
logger.warning("TESTING - Print log")
from fosslight_util.output_format import write_output_file
# 2nd param : output file format
# => file format(excel: .xlsx, csv: .csv, opossum: .json)
def test():
sheet_contents = {'SRC':[['', 'fosslight_source',
'3.0.6', 'Apache-2.0', '', '', 'Copyright (c) 2021 LG Electronics, Inc.', 'Exclude', 'Comment message'],
['', 'fosslight_dependency',
'3.0.6', 'Apache-2.0', '', '', 'Copyright (c) 2020 LG Electronics, Inc.', '', '']],
'BIN':[['askalono.exe', 'askalono',
'0.4.3', 'Apache-2.0', '', '', 'Copyright (c) 2018, Inc. or its affiliates.', '', '']]}
success, msg = write_output_file('test_result/excel/FOSSLight-Report', '.xlsx', sheet_contents)
from fosslight_util.spdx_licenses import get_spdx_licenses_json
def test():
success, error_msg, licenses = get_spdx_licenses_json()
import fosslight_util.constant as constant
logger = logging.getLogger(constant.LOGGER_NAME)
logger.warning("Get a logger after init_log is called once.")
from fosslight_util.timer_thread import TimerThread
timer = TimerThread()
If you give a link, the source is downloaded to the target directory through git clone or wget.
- Try git clone. 1-1. If the link is ssh-url, convert to https-url.
- If git clone fails, download it with wget and extract the compressed file.
- After extracting the compressed file, delete the compressed file.
Parameter | Argument | Description |
h | None | Print help message. |
s | String | Link to download. |
t | String | Path to download and extract. |
d | String | Path to save a log file. |
$ fosslight_download -s "" -t target_dir/
If you want to try with private repository, set your github token like below.
$ fosslight_download -s " -t target_dir/"
Please report any ideas or bugs to improve by creating an issue in fosslight_util repository. Then there will be quick bug fixes and upgrades. Ideas to improve are always welcome.
FOSSLight Util is released under Apache-2.0.