Train Cangjie keyboard input, increase typing fluency (Input 🔁 Memorise)
訓練倉頡鍵盤指法,提升取碼流暢度 (輸入 🔁 記憶)
- 倉頡新星
- exercise webpage
- Cangjie character-to-radicals dictionary from (
- Popular usage of Chinese character from (
- 倉頡之友 for Cangjie dictionary
- Workbox for PWA support (
Build app scripts: npx shadow-cljs watch app
or npx shadow-cljs compile app
- Build app scripts:
npx shadow-cljs release app
- Update workbox config for PWA (offline etc.):
npx workbox-cli generateSW workbox-config.js
Stored on user's browser local storage only
To practise/learn 倉頡 (Cangjie) input 🀄
- Practise Cangjie radical input using keyboard
- Memorise radical key mapping 記熟倉頡字母鍵位 (鍵盤指法)
- ❔ I don't know which keyboard key to press for entering some Cangjie radical
- 👨💻 practise typing with on-screen keyboard showing keys and Cangjie radicals
- 倉頡字母 Cangjie radicals
- 日月金木水火土 ABCDEFG
- 竹戈十大中一弓 HIJKLMN (斜點交叉縱橫鉤)
- 人心手口 OPQR
- 尸廿山女田卜 STUVXY (側並仰紐方卜)
- 難 X
- Train to radical extraction fluency 訓練以取碼流暢度
- ❔ I don't know/I am slow at breaking down a Chinese character into Cangjie radicals
- 👨💻 practise by example: write Chinese character with/without radical hints
- example: to write 2 characters "香港"
- character 香 = radicals 竹 木 日 = keyboard keys "H" "D" "A"
- 港 = 水 廿 金 山 = "E" "T" "C" "U"
- Apply spaced repetition learning method for Cangjie training
- Practical web app written in Clojure/script!