- fixes for handling of rdl user-defined properties applied to addrmaps (issue #46, issue #47)
- removed void cast in generated interrupt bind module - ncsim doesnt like
- fix to default regwidth handling (issue #48)
- fix for calculation of address size in external regfile/addrmap regions
- added field_data option for parallel external reg regions. Allows field rather than full register data to be used in external region
- added rep_level options for parallel external reg regions. Allows ancestor regset replication to be collapsed into a single external interface
- fix bug (introduced by issue #46 fix) so defined properties are correctly used in addrmaps as well as regfiles
- fix for address alignment messages in replicated regsets
- added wrapper_info command to inline rdl params parser which allows simple delay stages, inverters to be added in rtl wrapper
- added base_address_override uvmreg output parameter
- added native uvm_model_mode option (issue #49)
- added valid reference checking for rdl rhs assign elements
- modified systemverilog/verilog generaton to pass interrupt tree signals between cascaded decoders when generate_child_addrmaps is set
- added generate_iwrap_xform_modules sv output parameter. If false, inhibits generation of common modules used in the wrapper module transforms.
- updated grammar structure so a common extern parameter grammar is imported to rdl and ext parameter grammars so java packages are correctly added without gradle post-processing. Modified build.gradle to always generate antlr output of grammars so import dependencies are handled (issue #41). Also added generateEclipseGrammar task to move antlr generated files into eclipse package directory structure.
- fix for overlay option command line parsing (issue #50)
- added python driver model output (pydrvmod command option).
Known issues:
Requires java 1.7
To run... java -jar Ordt.jar
Note that Ordt.jar bundles the antlr 4.5 runtime jar (see http://www.antlr.org).