A WordPress plugin to add contributors to post/page, based on rtCamp WordPress-Contributors Plugin assignment.
- Download the plugin .zip file
- In the admin-side of your WordPress site, install and activate the plugin
- Add some WordPress users
- Add a new post or edit an existing one
- From the post settings in the editor side panel, scroll down to Contributors section
- Check usernames to add post contributors
- Click Publish or Update when you finish
- In the front-side of your WordPress site, visit the post to see the contributors box right below the post content
Before running tests, make sure to properly set up the WordPress Testing Suite which requires WP-CLI.
Then, run the following command to install Composer dependencies
composer install
To run tests, run the following command
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/TestHypContributors.php
If you encounter any issue while setting up PHP Unit Tests, please refer to this guide on fixing common issues while setting up php unit tests for wordpress plugins.